Diagnosed with COPD nov last year. Stopped smoking 7.12.13
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Hi n Welcome shocked 1
How are u x
Welcome to the site. You should find answers to all your questions here as well as sympathetic and motivating people to chat to. D
Morning Shocked1 - Welcome to the site. It is very shocking getting a diagnosis of COPD. Really scary! I read that you are just getting over your chest infection. Chest infections can really knock you sideways - they can make my husband very ill and then of course the side effects from the drugs that you need to take to make you better!
Just try to focus how on you were before the chest infection - you will return to that, it just might be slower than you expect. Take very good care of yourself. It is easy to forget that when you are feeling very poorly. I have found that manuka honey in a little hot water helped my husband. Wishing you the speediest recovery. TAD xx
Good morning all. Thanks for the replies hope your all well. I'm getting used to coping with this COPD but still awful. Im on seretide 500 instead serevent so hope that helps me along with all the other meds. X
Shocked1, Welcome and sorry to hear that you had an infectin during this summer. I hope it will be over soon. when it is, please consider consolidating/ strengthening your lungs with exercises. Here are some: youtube.com/watch?v=iIrAUL_...
You could ask your GP or consultant to refer you to Pulmonary Rehabilitation. The team is fantastic, made of nurses andd physiotherapist. They take you for 6 weeks, during which they assess your abilities, set oyou to practice a circuit of exercises and explain all you didn't know about lungs - diseases, drugs, way to cope with fears, panic, shortness of breath. all this happens in a group, so you meet with other people who have some lung problem, a great place to get motivated. Several of us participated in this. We all benefited. I was offered to carry on at the gym. I joined first a circuit, then I carried on at the gym three times a week and it has done me good. Highly recommended.
Hope you get over your chest infection soon.
Thank you for taking the time to post this.
DMZABO, I hope this helps you. Remain active in your exploration of what to do to overcome the illness and teh fear of the illness. The latter is very important. With knowledge you can find what suits you to cope with it.. I am older and getting older with the COPD, . I feel that morning and evening exercises help a lot.
Hi DMZABO, you will find more up to date posts here:
Welcome to the site. My tip for you with the seretide is gargle well after as it can make the throat very dry and and cause mouth thrush.
Be Well
Welcome to the site Shocked1, I find seretide 500 works very well at keeping infections at bay however I only have mild COPD. PR usually consists of some type of exercise I attend a lungs for life Gym which is a pulmonary rehab unit where you can do exercises for breathing to keep in trim for a small fee per session. Have to admit I have never heard of PR without exercises. Usually there are long waits to get on PR classes too so you are lucky to have had one already. Keep up with the no smoking you are doing very well.
Yes Shocked1 its nice to do groups our gym does two group sessions a week for pulmonary rehab and one to one sessions as well for the not so able. The PR sessions give advice for newly diagnosed like yourself and help to keep you active.
I will def look into all this info as it's sounds just what I need. Thanx again Katie. X
Welcome to the site, you have done the right thing giving up the cigs have your yearly flu jab take your meds and try to keep fit. I was diagnosed 10 years ago I'm stage 4 now but I have found this site a great help.
Thanks onamission. I've been reading and learning so much from u guys. I googled it at first BIG MISTAKE. Slowly getting in my head I need to slow down everything and leave more time. A whole new life for me.
nice to have you aboard shocked 1, as members have already said everything welcome xx
Hi Shocked ,
I too was diagnosed with copd in November last year ( 55% lung function ) ......I too was shocked ....but should have seen it coming because of cough and chest infections for the previous 2/3 years.
Quit smoking after 48 years and touch wood am now enjoying fairly good health . I try to get plenty of exercise. ......mainly walking and gardening. I joined a pilates class in January and find it really good for building strength , flexibility and balance . My GP said that although lung damage can never be repaired , physical fitness can help to compensate for poor lung function .
Cheers Coastal
I did reply somewhere coastal1 lol. I was doing just fine until this infection invaded me. Still can't breathe walking is 10 steps n stop. Stairs r a nightmare. I was 57 % dunno about now tho. Hoping it's the weather too. Enjoy your gardening I'm thinking of trying to at least get interested in mine. Glad your doing fine. Good luck. X
I didn't know that. So thanks I will contact them when I'm a bit better. Stay naughty.
Hi Shocked1
I am so sorry to read that you have been diagnosed with COPD, and I genuinely hope that your medications are working well for you? I think that you have done so well to manage to stop smoking as it really is a difficult thing to do, and you should give yourself some real credit for such an achievement.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Thank you ken. This infection really knocked me back but after several lots of ABs and steroids I'm much better today thanks again. The doc gave me seretide 500 along with my usual spirva and ventolin that seems to really b helping. Hope your doing ok at least the air had finally cleared.
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