I have got a pain in my lower left shoulder blade feels very achey,I also have copd is this comman?
Pain behind left shoulder blade - Lung Conditions C...
Pain behind left shoulder blade

My husband suffers with severe COPD and the only time he gets pain in his back is when he has an infection especially as it is brewing! It might be a good idea to get to the doctor and get it checked, it maybe you just slept in a funny position - but you need to be careful. Take care, good luck TAD xx
I have copd but don't suffer with what you describe beyond the normal age-related stuff! Hope you get it sorted out...
I have copd and a pain like you describe, only in my right shoulder blade. Massage has failed to shift it. I put it down to too much time on the computer?
I have IPF. I get a lot of pain in my shoulder, I've also put it down to the way I sit using laptop and doing my knitting. I went to see rheumatologist and told him but he wasn't interested so I will just try to sit up straighter!!
I get the same pain but it is nerve related. Accupuncture helps a lot.