I just got a letter from hospital I have an appointment for a CT scan with contrast. Not being funny but what is contrast. I have Emplicima and bronciastasis
I just got a letter from hospital I have an appointment for a CT scan with contrast. Not being funny but what is contrast. I have Emplicima and bronciastasis
Thanks twiceshy
The contrast is the dye doh!!. I had 1 of these done in March but because of swelling due to pnumonia they couldn't see if it is anything more sinister or not they're having another crack at it. I hit out of hospital in March but the chest infection is still with me.
One thing to warn you about is that when its injected in you get a very intense feeling/sensation that you are weeing yourself! You aren't but it certainly feels like you are so don't worry. Its fine really - think it makes your urine a funny colour too.
Haha I know it got very warm down in my nether regions last time, the nurse actually warned me about this lol
Hi Nige420 tis the dye they use to show things up nicely for all to see but you know this silly billy lol. Goodluck hope it goes well for you.Takecare now Janexx
snap I have got imine on Tuesday .had several over the years nought to worry about .the weeing sensation is a new experience if you aint ever had one .
A chemical drink that shows up while it enters your mouth and down to the stomach during the scan. Not dangerous but not the greatest taste. It help show blockages.
Contrast is usually Iodine that shows on the scan as they inject it. Do not want to be a doombringer but if you have a shellfish allergy it may be worth mentioning. Mussels are high in iodine.
I had a angiogram where they inject contrast/trace in to the heart to see if it is blocked etc. the procedure went well. But when I had done the stay flat before I leave bit and went to go home My blood pressure dropped to my socks and ended up with a crash team and a stay in a obs ward for 24 hours after been given adrenalin.
when ever I am in hospital I have to have a red wristband stating trace allergy.
I was due a CT scan but they changed it to an MRi with an alternative at £500 a bottle which I had 3 ( Sorrry NHS)
i will add it is a rare problem.