Hi yep am just looking for information .. on bronchiectesis and copd as that is what my doc says am suffering from.
O ye and hyperventalation syndrone .. my doc thinks thats strees but i think its my lung problems.
Its all very confusing as one doc at my gp's practice said my lungs are totally destroyed trashed threw drink and drugs.
Yet when i seen other he said its mild ... confusing or what then we have dwp taking full advantage.
If your suffering bronchiectesis and copd and hyperventaltion syndrome and past six months you have had nine epersods requiring various antibiotics steriods dose that sound mild and would that be good indecation of stage of my diease.
I would not be asking but my lung doc says get third partys to write and my gp well he says see my lung doc .
But as we all know most dont bother and take full advantage