i get really bad chest pains around my heart area and im really worried its something serious.doctor says its nothing but its been getting worse and spreading down my arm too. Any advice please?
I have been diagnosed with bronchiect... - Lung Conditions C...
I have been diagnosed with bronchiectasis and was wondering if there was anyone here suffering from the same thing & get chest pains?

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Hospitals say's if it hurts when you breath in and out and pain is same its ya heart ... Well thats what thay told me
Could be strees if you have tingerling in fingers to .. Or just muscial pain from all the coughing.
Hope that helps cheers all the best
Could possibly be a heart problem - pse see your GP (ask for emergency appointment) just to be on the safe side.
Good luck xx
You don't mention if you have had an ecg, blood tests and your chest listened to. If none of these have happened, then no one including any doctor can rule anything out or in. If you have not had these tests then you must get to hospital right away to have them done as this is an emergency. If you have had them done, and the results are all clear then you can relax and put it down to something else. It could be a number of things if it is not your heart. I don't know about the bronchiectasis, although I think it can sometimes in some people cause pain, but I don't think it would go down your arm. Other causes could be hyperventilating, stress or muscle pain. I stress again, if you have not had the above mentioned tests then you must go to hospital. All the best, and I hope that the pain goes soon and its just been one of those things. Take care, hugs xx
I have Restrictive Lung Disease, Atrial Pulmonary Hypertension And Pulmonary Fibrosis and I know it hurts when I breath deep. But I also suffer from AF, Angina and Tachycardia. I do get a chest pain which I have now been told to use my Nitrate spray to see if it goes away as it could be my heart. But if it does not then it will be my lungs?
If as has been said you have had no tests then you need to have it looked at a lot deeper! As pain down your arm may be something as simple as a trapped nerve to something more sinister but should not be ignored!
Stress is not your bodies friend it seems to have a habit of magnifying problems.
I hope you get it sorted out soon!
Thank you everyone for your help. I had an ecg and blood test but the doctor said it was nothing. But iv been like this for almost a year and its getting worse. So painful i cant stand sometimes. So confused x
I have bronchiectasis as well but the only time I suffer with chest pain is when I'm heading towards or got a chest infection, usually paracetamol helps to relieve it. I also have COPD
I have chronic bronchitis and following my recent bad infection my bnp levels in heart were high along with my cholesterol i also get pain in that area which ive had ecg for but thankfully ok . Speak to your dr . Any pain should be checked out xxx
I have bronchiectasis. Thankfully I am very fit and run about twenty miles a week which helps clear my lungs. However I do cough a lot and every so often get severe pains in the left side of my chest and I become even more breathless. Initially these worried me but now I am used to it and after a while they seem to settle down. Not very nice though.
You need to get checked out. ECG's don't always show if there's a problem, so a scan of some sort might be necessary too. My elderly mother has had breathing problems for years and has also been getting swollen legs and very dissented abdomin. A couple of years ago she had very bad palpitations. The ECG didn't show anything, but a few weeks ago she ended up in hospital. We found out she has heart failure and COPD, neither of which has happened overnight. Breathing problems can take their toll on the heart.
I've had bronchiectasis for many years and also get a lot of pain in the chest area. I'm assuming it's the intercostal muscles, strained from over breathing but at times it's very difficult to cope with. I take painkillers when it's bad. I've mentioned this to doctors several times and they pay absolutely no heed to it.

I too have had bronchiectasis for six years now. Many infections, but the almost constant pain mostly in the right side front and back, is depressing. Like you sometimes I resort to painkillers, and robitussin can help! it's aggravated by activity. Like you, no help from GP. It is not dependent on an infection but sputum is always coloured .
It recently happened to me and was very frightening as I do have heart disease. The paramedics came to me through NHS Direct. The traces showed no problem with my heart other than what might be expected according to my condition. I was in hospital over Easter with a serious chest infection, Pseudomonas. ECG showed no problem. The best I can suggest is Costochondritis which I discovered by trawling the net. I get left sided chest pain from the exhausting cough that we get with bronchiectasis. It seems to be pain in the spaces between the ribs, a continual pulling on the cartilages as the rib cage tries to stretch too far. It went away and the next time I got a chest infection and coughed heavily it came back. I've stopped worrying about it. I wish you well and try not to worry. Talk to an expert. General practioners like mine don't seem to pick it up.
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