I am wondering is there any one who has UIP who has had little to no treatment for their lung disease as I have had only one episode where I need antibiotics and steroids???
Recently found out my lung disease is... - Lung Conditions C...
Recently found out my lung disease is progressing and I am now on oxygen with exertion...hard to get used to.

My husband suffers with Copd but was prescribed oxygen recently for exercise. It came completely out of the blue - it was a shock to both of us. But I have to say that we have got used to it and at least now it means we can go the shopping centres and have the reassurance that his sats levels are ok. Take a deep breath it's not as bad as it sounds and has been positive for my husband. Good luck TAD xx
Oddly enough I was looking forward to using oxygen as I knew my organs may suffer without a little help. I don't really take much notice using it now. Sometimes I even forget I've got it on.
wishh i could get used to it i find it so in the way ,and makes everything 10 times harder,but thats just me feeling down cant handle this illness
Billy it is such a difficult disease to come to terms with - I wonder if the BLF helpline could help try and call them on Tuesday. Do you have a local breath easy group - it really helped my husband to realise he wasn't on his own. Have you been offered a pr course - that may help. Take good care TAD xx
I am on Ambultory oxygen 2lpm, just regard it as another medicine. You are unlikely to become oxygen dependant.
The prime reason for oxygen is to maintain you oxygen saturation at a acceptable level (above 88%) to look after you other major organs.
I've been on Ambulatory oxygen a few months now 4lpm,I found it a bit embarrassing at first and cumbersome.but you will soon realise the importance of it and it will all become second nature.now I don't even think about it.good luck.
I will fight as always...
I like portable oxygen when needed,when I'm out ,or done something energetic,as we don't have nurses where I am ,I treat myself.