rowing machine and 10 mins on weights ,,got up today aching a bit but went lane swimming for 20mins then yoga for a hour and i havnt used my blue inhaler once am feeling really good and ive lost 4pounds ,,,x
Hi everyone a week after joining the ... - Lung Conditions C...
Hi everyone a week after joining the gym im loving it go most days yesterday did 20mins on treadmill 15mins on bike ,5 mins on

I'd say keep up the good work. Exercise is the best way to manage the illness.
Your point being?
Very pleased you are able to undertake all that exercise and the positive results you have had. Yes, exercise is good for you - as much as you can get. Unfortunately, a lot of people on here would be pleased to walk 20 metres, never mind achieve what you have - if only!
Keep it up and good luck to you, but still unsure as to your reason for the post.
MY POINT BEING,,like everyone one else i was terrified and depressed when i was diagnosed with COPD in Jan then i caught a cold which lasted a few wks and since joining the gym have felt much better ,,i know there are a lot of people on hear worst than me,,and i wish them all well just wanted to give everyone a bit of encouragement but hey will keep my thoughts to myself in future if people like you are going to put up shitty comments like that ,,,have a good day,,,
No you tell us when your doing well, I want to hear even if others don't. I suffer with depression because of this illness, touch wood I'm not to bad at the moment and I'm just doing another rehab so post like yours encourage me to keep going.
Kim xxx
Agree - please tell us how you get on flowers - it will be interesting to follow your improvement. We are all here to support each other with the downs but it is also very important to celebrate achievements too. Keep going hun and keep posting. We are not so small minded that we can't share the joy and encouragement of someone doing well.
love cx
I am sorry to have caused you any offence. I am extremely pleased that the exercise you are able to undertake is having such positive benefits and I hope, very much will continue to do so.
Shame you had to resort to the language you used to me, however angry you were. The thing is, from your post it was not clear you had COPD, but were taking a blue inhaler, as do millions of others and I could not understand why you were advising us of the benefits of exercise. That was all. As it is, I now understand now you have fully explained your post, why you wished to share your experience. Anyway, from all the other responses, you should be re-assured of the way your post was appreciated, which is great and I would encourage you to continue posting.
As to my having a good day, thank you for that, though I realise of course, you were being sarcastic. If it makes you feel better, I am not having a good day, and cannot see the time when I ever will again. That's my problem though and not what I had intended to share on this forum. I don't know if this will show up as a post as it serves no purpose to others on here to be party to this. However, I did feel your reply to me deserved a response to yours. I sincerely hope your improvement continues.
sorry to hear your having a bad day,,,,thanks for your positive comments take care ,,wendy
Well done flowers89. I think it is really encouraging to hear people being able to exercise despite their condition. I think Chassa was being a bit uneccessarily snippy about your post.
Keep it up. Hope to be back to my exercise soon once I have got over the latest chest infection.
Good work flowers89. Let's hope it encourages people to exercise a bit more. Not nearly as much as you but any exercise is better then no exercise.
How lovely to read a positive blog , yes I guess many of us here would love to be able to manage a 20 yard stroll myself included but surely we should be happy for those who can achieve these dizzy heights. Well done also for the weight loss again I wish, but your positive notes have given me a boost thank you and long may you be able to continue with your new routine.
Well done you. I've joined the gym through PALs referred by the doctor. When free from infection I can manage 10-15 min on the treadmill, slowly though. I have COPD emphysema, fibromyalgia, arthritis, blah blah. I've been surprised by how my fitness has improved, less exacerbation and weight gained. My mood has improved so much, I can't begin to explain the difference my gym membership has made to me and my family. Don't over do it, slow and steady, so pleased you've found the gym and your new routine.
have you been selected for the commonwealth games? i did 3mins on exercise bike ,50 yards walk on the level and 5 mins on 5lb weights
Well done you xxxxx
I think you're doing extremely well. I go to the gym and I have started to go to Singing for Health, a singing group in Kent for COPD. I think it is at National level. check it out, because it's good to be with others too! We started singing yesterday, Bravo, bravo, bravissimo! I think this applies to you!
thank you everyone for your comments ,,hope you all keep well,,take care ,,xx
You are obviously very intent on exercising to the best of your ability. However I think you should have a chat with a Gym Professional. The body can only take so much action before it rebels and the advice I received when I joined my gym was , Exercise one day and then allow your body to recover the following day. This advice came from a trained Physiotherapist. Good Luck.
Well done , what is the trick. I am very over weight ans is really affecting my breathing my symbicort is not helping, I will be seeing my consultant in 2wks
well done flowers 89 if you look back on my post a few weeks ago how well i have done and i know this is down to stopping the smoking and the exercise because i was so unfit 14 months ago and could not do that much for long in the gym but cant believe how much i can do now in the gym on treadmill rowing maching and other things and dont you just feel good after so keep up the good work and Keep at it.
pleased for you good luck music