My granddaughter is five and suffers badly with asthma is flying to Cyprus soon and like all children wants her own bag etc with her in hand luggage on the flight. Her Mother has to take her medical bag with her containing inhalers, nebuliser and medication is this medical bag classed as hand luggage.
Good morning. Can anyone answer this ... - Lung Conditions C...
Good morning. Can anyone answer this question please.

I should think it will be as space is limited. If she has her own seat paid for then she may have her own hand luggage allowance. Otherwise she will have to be disappointed.
as a 5 year old has to pay ful price for a seat I imagine they have their own hand baggage allowance. It should all be on the airlines website or on the flight details.
Different airlines have different size restrictions. Easyjet reduced theirs last year. Grrrrr
Yes, it is. I had my portable concentrator and my meds and my husband had to forgo any hand luggage to take my meds aboard for me.
Sounds a bit harsh Toci. Her Mum keeps all her medication in this bag. She also has a Rescue Pack of AB and steroids for her.
You need to speak to the airline involved, as ther are certain rules to carrying medication, on flight, i.e. It as to be clearly label for the intended person,
From reading some airline policies it may be classed as hand luggage, as it is going anyway, it should make no difference who carrys the item on board.
It differs from airline to airline but a 5-year old has to pay full fare so she would have her own hand luggage allowance. I always carry meds in my hand luggage and it's never been an issue. Some airlines allow a medical device ( such as a nebuliser) as well as the usual cabin baggage allowance. Check on the airline's website re. hand/cabin baggage allowance and hopefully it will help.
Hi Suzy I use a nebuliser twice a day and take a travel one with me on holiday usually i put 4 days worth of medication in as hand luggage and the rest in my suitcase. All of this fits into a small ruck sack. I dont have any problems with it. if you have paid for a seat she is entitles to the same allowances as an adult. I hope this helps and happy hols.
I have always taken my medical supplies in a separate bag together with my hand luggage so if it is clearly mecial stuff then you should still be able to take hand luggage
I think it must depend on the airline. I travelled with Cathay Pacific a few years ago and because the travel agent contacted the airline regarding my medical issues and that I needed to have my nebuliser and bag Bit bigger than a laptop bag) containing my CPAP machine with me. My medication was then shared between the CPAP bag, hand luggage case and handbag. I had no problems at all having them on top of my normal hand luggage allowance, I just kept my medical letter from the GP and medication list.
Like I said though, I expect it depends on the airline, not sure if Easyjet would be as supportive, but worth asking.
Victoria x
Hi Suzy, I have just arrived back from holiday and I took my inhalers and nasal spray in a airport plastic bag which was given me by the airline. The customs officers prefer you to do this as it saves opening up a cabin bag and trawling through medication, (I take a bag full). Hope this helps and I hope they have a wonderful holiday with no asthma attacks. Maximonkey
matin va ,
flew to Budapest at Christmas , 2 hours , flew back from Bucharest , 4 hours . the take off and the landing was a bit tight on the chest . once up in the air it was ok . took my inhaler one hour before i took off , and then on the airplane . although i do have copd stage 4 .