I am being visited by resp nurse tomorrow im smoking an e cig will this stop me getting oxygen
smoking: I am being visited by resp... - Lung Conditions C...

I would have thought that any foreign substance entering your lungs would be frowned upon.
Hi Teaky-19
I was smoking when first given oxygen and now use e-cigs. Nobody has ever tried to withdraw oxygen. Contrary to some people's comments, e-cigs have no fire risks - there are no sparks, no electrical contacts and if they help you to survive the long days and nights (as they do me) don't be bludgeoned into stopping!
We're all entitled to the best treatment available, whatever our shortcomings.
Best wishes
Always remember my mother telling us as children "The Lord helps those that help themselves" her generation did not expect cradle to grave support doing things for themselves was the only choice.
as I don't drink my only comfort is a smoke don't expect cradle to grave support
Using e-cigs is helping myself.
Surely you're not suggesting that oxygen provision and medication are "cradle to grave support" to which we're not entitled - or are you?
Hi teaky, I'm no expert but my dad had oxygen at home. It was prescribed with Drs knowing that he smoked, and told he must go outside to smoke because of obvious dangers. Apart from cigarettes, he was not allowed to burn candles, or have any sort of naked flames in his flat.
Absolutely no risk of fire from e-cigs - you aren't smoking, you're vaping, and I'm very pleased for you. Everyone's entitled to enjoy a little relief in this life!!!
thank you to all for your answers