From my boc provider. Just recently found this forum and have been reading it already finding it helpful. I am going for ct scan and lung function tests so all a bit scary at moment.
Hi folks my name is June and I am a c... - Lung Conditions C...
Hi folks my name is June and I am a copd'r. I have recently been prescribed oxygen fifteen hours a day plus portable and have many questions

Hi June. CT scan and lung function test are nothing to worry about. They will give your consultant a more accurate picture. When I first had mine done I was pushed to the hospital department in a hospital wheelchair. I had to see the consultant 6 months later. That time I walked up to the department and followed him into his office. This was because he was able to prescribe the correct medicines. I've felt very much better since,
hi june welcome to the club .this is a great site for help and advise . keep on breathing
Hi June, Welcome to the page. I joined a few months ago due to my husbands lung condition and site has been so helpful. When you go to consultant just don't be scared to ask all the questions that are bothering you. There is nothing to be worried about. Take care x
Welcome Bryju I am so glad you found this forum, it will help you a lot as there are so many people on here in your exact same situation
I hope you stay well
Love Sohara
You'r on the right site here, it will help you a lot to understand C.O.P.D.
Yes welcome to our lovely community on here, have found it such a boon, as sometimes when in / at the hospital sometimes tend to overlook or miss things that are said to you as it's all too much to take in, plus some days if you are feeling down have a look at the jokes / humour pages, have fallen about laughing which helps no end.xx
Welcome June,you have come to the right place,to find people who know where you are coming from! Glad you're getting the right tests done,so you & the Docs.will know where you're at.
Don't forget to write down any questions you need to ask.Dont be embarrassed,they are used to that,& you don't have to kick yourself after!
Let us know how you go,xxx
Hi Bryju, sorry I can't can't help with oxygen. Just came to wish you a very warm welcome Peeg
ps. It's great that you're having a CT scan and proper lung function tests, best thing you can have to get an accurate diagnosis. xx
Hello My name is Sue. I've been dignosed with Emphezma Moderate. I'am scared to say the least I wonder how long I have to live . Im on oxygen
Sueinks.. is there another reason that you are on Oxygen? as Moderate emphasyema alone does not normally require oxygen I didn't think
Hi June, what a lovely name and what a coincidence
I find the lung function tests very scary at the moment too
Hi, I am new on here. I am going for Lung Function tests Tuesday have already had Scans and biopsy, should get my results Wednesday which I am quite scared about. good to speak to others that are in the same boat. M.
Hi June and Dafadil, welcome to the site. Unfortunately I can't help but there will be plenty of others on here who can. We all have our different illnesses, mine is Pulmonary Fibrosis and Bronchiectstatis with RA as well. So my lungs are affected differently to yours. Hope all goes well with your tests. Cheryl
Hi Poppyval I do suffer with Bronchiectstatis which I have had for about 30yrs , and when my breathing was a lot worst they decided all thee tests, what does RA stand for? Monica.
Hi Monica, RA stands for Rheumatoid Arthritis, which affects the bodies organs and has caused my Pulmonary Fibrosis in my lungs. I also have Osteo arthritis in some joints as well as the spine. I am wondering how you got on with your tests today, hope everything went ok. Cheryl
Thanks to all for your replies check the forum out each day very interesting x