mother went to doctors about wee jimmy [well named ] wetting the bed, the doctor explained, that most kids do this....
"but not from the top of the wardrobe" mother said
mother went to doctors about wee jimmy [well named ] wetting the bed, the doctor explained, that most kids do this....
"but not from the top of the wardrobe" mother said
Good one jimmy! How you doing? It's been chilly here, I've another chest infection! 4th in 6
Months, getting me down, but hey ho tomorrow's another day, x xx
Haha! yes the old ones are the best Jimmy! How are you today? enjoying your day I hope! huff xxx
yes the old ones are the best lol.
unfortunatly not good at all, seems i have an infection, never mind puff,, jimmy
When I was young, I lived in Brussels, On the conrer of a most famous Grand Place, there's a little wee man who wees his heart content! they call him, manneken piss, the weeing little man!
hang on, got ot go to the loo!
Reminds me of the night I heard one of my children get up in the night for a pee. Two of them shared bunk beds. William age 5 on top one. They top n tailed when my sis stayed over and slept on the bottom bunk. William was obviously more asleep than awake, he climbed up n down the end a few times until he settled on a bar, dropped his pj's and peed right through the gap on to my sisters head.
that reminds me of the old one peeg, i used to kid folks on, and say we were really very poor when i was kid, there were ten of us, one bedroom, one bed,, five at one end of the bed five at the other end,, and all of us were bed wetters, and you always got someone say "which end of the bed did you sleep", i used to say,,,,,",the shallow end :)" nuff said lol,,,,jimmy