Got my results at last from the Lung function tests. Consultant confirmed that I do have Restrictive Lung Disease due to a combination of the fibrosis from my severe infection and lung failure in 2008. He also confirmed that when flat my breathing drops immediately by 12.5% from my 57% when upright. (So when my GP gets the results he will be eating a little humble pie.) He was very good at explaining everything and that I need to lose weight ( No shock there ) but my breathing will not help if it was to be done with exercise so I will have to see a nutritionist to look at a negative diet to get my weight down. He also told me that slip on shoes are the best way forward which I already use now as I have to do lace up's in stages as I lose all my wind bending over doing them up. He did ask how I am in a bath? I explained I have not bathed for over 30 years only ever showered.
He did say that with my Paralysed Diaphragm and my heart condition a Pacemaker might be the way forward, until I told him I am having a Pace and Ablate this year which will make me pacemaker dependant as they are removing my sinus node. It seems I am processing O2 well but not getting enough in for when the body needs it like stairs and quick walks etc.
He then bought up the working with asbestos. I explained that I was cutting this evil stuff on a circular saw for 10 years. (no mask) He showed me my old CT scan and explained what they look for and typical indicators black good white and grey bad as he slid down the image he pointed out that the outer part of my lung was not showing typical Asbestosis damage but there was more white flecks the lower down my lungs in the centre area of both and then the grey splodge where my Diaphragm has failed.
He has now sent me for another up to date xray and a radiogram to see if the lung is pushing on my heart. He has me down for another visit in 3 months but said if the xray shows anything unexpected he will get me in sooner?
I asked if it was okay to fly and he said that if I was going to fly ask for an o2 test and they will be able to tell me if I need o2 while flying.
It just a shame that my GP's would not listen to me or my cardiologist for 12 months or more to get this far.