When I saw my cardiologist yesterday. He explained that they are not over keen on doing any more ablations because of the scar tissue and my lung condition. He stated that any other procedure could be more dangerous than the possible benefit I would get if it worked.
I ended up been told leave the room and wait for the head man to come and see me. What was said to me then was my best options are increase my tablets. (not keen as my fingers went blue last time) Or have a pacemaker fitted wait 6 months and then have my sinus node removed which will make me pacemaker dependant. This will give me a regular pulse but will not cure the wobbles.
However he closed this with I must get more advice and help with my lungs as they have noticed a deterioration from when they had to give me O2 while flat a few months back when they did the EP.
Seeing my doctor about my lungs next week. I have found out I was working with asbestos for 15 years so might get some sort of reaction to look further
Do I wait and hope for the wonder pill or go for machine reliance?