Saw my consultant today he says my lungs are the same as they were last year and would see me every six months and an Cray once a year ,has anyone else been treated this way ,I have pneumoniae and pulmonary fibrosis
Hospital appointment: Saw my consultant... - Lung Conditions C...
Hospital appointment

I personally would be very happy if I was told my lungs were the same as last year....we all know our lungs will never get better....but to slow the progression and 'stay the same' is a wonderful goal
That's good news about your lungs being the same as they were last year.
I would say just keep your 6 monthly appointments with the consultant but should your symptoms worsen act quickly to see your GP and ask if the GP can contact the consultant for an earlier appointment if need be.
If you continue recovering from the pneumonia and you find you remain free from further lung infections you may find 6 months goes by very quickly.
Continue to rest as you need to and look after yourself well. Don't hesitate to see your GP or phone the consultants secretary at the hospital if you find things becoming more difficult again.
Very best wishes to you for a steady recovery from pneumonia.
(Check with the BLF helpline if you are unsure about anything - click on the red balloon top right for contact details)
Its good news that your lungs have stabilised. I think all consultants probably have to move patients onto longer spaced appointments when they are stable otherwise they would have no spaces for new patients. Their job is to diagnose and treat/stabilise then monitor. You are moving into the 'monitor' stage and that is good. It doesn't mean you are abandoned. Your GP can get advice or have you seen earlier if you have a relapse..
Over the years I have been on 3monthly, 6 monthly, yearly visits with steps back to 3 monthly when I had a bad spell.
I hope you continue to be stable for a long time. Don't worry. I would see this as good news.
That is good news I hope mine have stayed the same I have worked very hard to achive it. Gave up smoking, changed diet, went to all PR classes and exercise at home. Go walking on the prom when weather is good.Keeping my fingers crossed till I go back in May.
we were told the same recently but in all honesty we are over the moon, it has been a long hard slog to get to this stage and are so happy that hubby has had a good six months with only one exacerbation. Enjoy your freedom, eat well, take some exercise, if you have a problem see your GP or COPD nurse and whatever you have done to stabilise the situation, well done and good luck for the future.
I want to thank all of you who respond to my blog it's good to be in touch with fellow suffers I usually watch from the side line's but needed to write a blog of my situation and I am heartened to all who repljed