So I have made a start as you know my pr course was cut short due to my high Bp,so only took part for 20mins and off to A&E I went.All was fine just keeping an eye on me so thought start a little at a time.Now icant remember all of the exercises so Im hoping one of you kind bunch can inform me off the ones im missing.Also can only do 45secs on each one,I know not good very unfit iam but i think this will also help with Bp Im hoping?how long on each exercise do you have to do at PR something else I dont know?
S - Sit to stand a little
a little
W - Wall Press
A - Arms up and down
M Marching on the spot alittle
P - Pass the bottle
S -Step
on stretcher now
Mothers swamps exercises ,what else is there peeps ?
CAN YOU FEEL IT MOTHER LOL. Only a mother could love him bless
Dont forget a smile a day helps you work rest and play!
And yer swamps
Byeeee for now Janexx