Hi Guys, Several good things were discussed the Transplant was not one off them did not even get a mention, agreeing for me to go on Sulfasalasine was because the Rheumy Doc told him I was going through a torrid time with my RA and the Hydroxy did not work and because my IPF sisuation had not changed it should not affect me to much, hence all the blood tests every two weeks and i promise to let them know of any side effects that may occur, I am on the full 3000mgs a day and feel a slight difference on the amount of flare ups I normally get. He congratulated me on getting back to work he recalled me saying something in June about it but because i could not walk the length of his room he never gave it a secong thought, His parting sentence was close the door on the way out and i will see you in June. So of we wentfor a nice meal and a pint of Guiness.Matt/Fran
A Very Good Consultation In Edinburgh... - Lung Conditions C...
A Very Good Consultation In Edinburgh.Mattcass

So pleased it went so well. Good to see he hasn't lost his sense of humour!
Great result - hope you both enjoyed your meal and pints!! TAD xx

Hi TADAW, Thank You it was.Matt
That sounds good & positive,am so glad for you,keep it up!
Must have been a good feeling letting him know you did get back to work! Bet you felt a bit smug,I know I would have,lol!
Hope you & Fran,enjoyed your meal,& a tipple or two! xxx

Hi Wendells. Thank You, The man even apologised for not telling me directly I was going on Salfasalasine. I enjoyed the meal that much I let Fran pay for it.Matt
Great news well done mattfran. Keep up the good work.

Hi BC. Thank You, Back to work with a headache serves me right.Matt
An excelent result all round! Congratulations - here's to many more half yearly appointments, and guinness!
marie x
Hi so good news then like the meal and Guinness sounds like a good idea. Hows Work?
Well, you had a good old time then Matt. Glad all went well and that you got to go out on a hot date with the lovely Fran. Can't be bad. You take care now and keep on keeping on. xxxxxx
Good news Matt/Fran. X
Mattcass, Lovely, sheer joy to hear this! good news indeed.