I used the easyway to stop smoking book by allen carr (not the chatty man ) and packed up with absolutely NO cravings or misery for four months, after the chapter(The last cigarette) there were another couple of chapters ! I should have read them,because he instructs you NEVER have any nicotine in anyform (fags,cigars,patches,nicotine chewingums Etc) He tells you that if you get hooked again,his method is NOT so easy to work a second time ! He was telling the truth...I now smoke again and can't seem to pack up even though I have tried his method over & over and other methods too ! even now,having been diagnosed with chronic Bronchitus ! ALL SMOKERS please please please read his book ! if it does not work!,all you have done is read a book,so whats too lose ??? JUST MAKE SURE to read it ALL, and if it works...DON'T have ANY Nicotine again.....then you WILL feel and be as happy as I was During my glorious four months.
I never knew Allen !nor have I had anything to do with him in anyway ! except for reading his book.I am a smoker just like you who's reading this and I get no money or profit for promoting his method,I am purely telling ALL SMOKERS because I just want to get you to see and feel the way I did when I stopped and to hopefully STOP you SMOKING just like ALLEN CARR also wanted.YOU CAN SMOKE while you read the book thats the beauty of it!! Allen sadly died in an ironic way!!!,He died of cancer...it is believed that he most likely developed this disease during his stop smoking sessions at his clinics,because just as with the book..you still smoke (around the therapist ) while the therapist is helping you not to !!
Even though I am a smoker again, I KNOW ALLEN WAS RIGHT,and his method works,