I was told yesterday that I now have emphysema blowing holes in the top of my lungs? That is on top of the asbestosis I have bricking up the bottom of my lungs? Was just thinking if they met up would they counteract each other?? Its ironic because five years ago I was still running around on a rugby pitch and even now with all this lung damage my lung capacity is still over 115% which is a lot more than the average person?? Confused dot com??..... Luckily I'm one of those people who has a very positive and satirical look on life which keeps me going. Just felt I needed to share my good news with someone? (it's been a breath of fresh air getting it out of my system?)
Yippee I'm so blessed: I was told... - Lung Conditions C...
Yippee I'm so blessed

Hi plumbob glad your doing ok and continue to
Great news ... Must be all that runing round giving scar tissue what for.
Yer my doc changed my diagnosis a suppose in case a drop dead .. its amazing how thay
can at a drop of the hat
Glad your doing well cheers all the best

Cheers Daz
Congratulations Plumbob in getting the breath of fresh air
There is just no accounting for how we are affected and how some measurements are excellent and yet CT scan shows to the contrary. But I think attitude goes a long way to feeling good too and I am grateful for all the things I can still do and tend to work around the things I don't do as well now.
Have an easy breathing day.
Best wishes BC

Cheers BC, and as you said a positive mental attitude can go a long way into helping you get through things..... If your heads down you won't see the bus coming??
I have many a happy moments with my head down, in a book, in the garden, avoiding pot holes in the road when driving down a country road, but definitely would not advise it when crossing a busy traffic road on foot. Chin up lad
Good you're keeping positive.