Has any woman (or man I suppose?) used a face mask and found her facial skin has crumbled in places. I have a feeling this is the side affect of skin thinning. Katie JJ
Skin reactions to Seretide inhaler. - Lung Conditions C...
Skin reactions to Seretide inhaler.
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I've used Seretide for several years now Katie, but never through a face mask. I assume you mean you use a nebuliser. So sorry to hear of your skin problem though.
Best wishes, Kath xx
I do apologise poemsgalore, butterfly below has the right of it I suppose I mean a beauty face mask. Now I feel really daft, but quite scary to use an ordinary face mask over counter and parts of your skin red and a little shredded!!! Have had bad two months with Bronchiectasis but no nebulisers yet. Thank God. Read associated tags maybe rosacea. Take care KatieJJ
Hi KatieJJ
Using a face mask (because of the steam) softens the skin and then when you wipe the skin a layer comes off. Happens to me all the time.
I now just pat the skin dry and after about 10 mins put on a gentle moisturiser if I remember.
Hope this helps.
I have heard the mouth piece is more effective than the face mask but I use the mask as it helps clear my sinuses.
Hi I feel even more daft now - not a steamer , nebuliser etc. just plain ordinary gentle face mask. I think steroids thin the skin. KatieJJ
I pretty much always use a mouthpiece when nebulising because 1. I have had 2 surgeries on my face 2. I find the drug and hypertonic effects my eyes. May be worth trying a mouthpiece Katie.
Love cx
Cofdrop you will gather we are all at cross purposeds I was I suppose wondering if what happened were side affects of drugs. Humour category, I think KJJ

He he humour category so right - face mask not face mask
Hi KatieJJ - What sort of face mask are you using? You need to be using a very gentle kind product not just a 99p one from a supermarket! There are so many products available now but you need to be using a skin care regine eg. Liz Earle and I have actually found bodyshop quite good or Clinique. Dont leave the mask on too long, remove with warm water and always moisturise afterwards. Are you using a day cream and night cream? You are right steroids can thin the skin - it depends how long you are on them. Good Luck TAD xx
Hi Tadaw. Yes usually use a gentle clay mask. No problem. Just bought this expensive one from Amazon. You peel it off like a black mask - yuk- only bought it because I think meds makes your skin look dull. Probably give to my daughter. Maybe BLF should have a beauty category. Katie
Hi KatieJJ, You can try Aveeno creams and lotion, I got a prescription for them from my doctor but you can buy them over the counter, works very well for me, Good Luck x
Thanks my sister uses them might try Katie
Seretide burns my throat and I always gargle now with water after taking it.
I agree that if you tap it dry and then put moisturiser on. Vaseline would work well but might be a slight bit shiny
I also use tinned pineapple, the enzymes help to stop thrush in the mouth. Kate
No I didn.t either. My rosacea had disappeared, but with cottage on market and other stress problems seems to have come back a little. Must find energy/time to start yoga/meditation again. Helps breathing, stress etc. Katie
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