I have COPD , I was diagnosed a few years ago, I have also had pneumonia twice in my right lung. Since my last quite serious pneumonia, I have a reaccuring ache where I had the infection. It can be quite painful, and putting a heated wheat bag seems to help. Does anyone else have this problem?
Does anyone else have a reaccuring ac... - Lung Conditions C...
Does anyone else have a reaccuring ache in their lungs?

I have bronchiectasis and for many years now I have had a recurring pain in one particular spot on my right lung. No idea what it is. One dr said it was a pleural rub. I find, like you a wheat bag helps, also take ibuprophen whem really achey or rubbing it with ibuprophen gel is also good.
Hi happyfeet, thanks for the reply, I also take pain killers when the pain is stronger, my doc said it is probably where the infection was, and my lung may be scarred...will try the gel now as well, thanks for the tip.
I also had this after my pneumonia. coughing can strain the lung muscles, very painful indeed. I have bronchiectasis too, I had a pain in a particular spot. Do what happy feet does. Your GP can test it and determine what it is. You could massage it with tea tree oil mixed in olive oil (tea tree on its own is too strong). Look after yourself.
When I started to have pain in my lung it was pleurisy!
I get that a pain in my lower right lung. Have mentioned it to doctors but no one seems concered by it
Though it may feel like it the lungs don't actually have any pain receptors . . .
Hi, thanks for the link, it was really interesting, it seems that if you have Copd or asthma, some muscles can get over used causing pain. This may explain it.
I have had brochiectasis since a baby, and over the years have experienced pain in different parts of the lungs on and off. Its always a small concern, but the pain seems to go after a few days, so this over using certain muscles idea, would seem to fit...but somehow it doesn't feel like that is the answer to me... I always 'feel' like its a little patch of infection causing the pain...but perhaps thats what 'muscle ' pain feels like
I to have a cramp like pain in my left side when I saw my lung consultant I told him and he just said my last chest x-ray was clear. I was told by someone who has COPD it is call myopathy and its all to do with nerve ending all I know is I'm fed up of it
Hi there, hope you are ok, I also get fed up too. There is a thread further up the page that someone posted earlier this week, I found it interesting, it might help explain why we have some pain. Let me know what you think
Hi MrsMet I never had this pain till May 13 I came down with the flu I had all the normal stuff abs and steroids prior to May I was level 3 and was ok went swimming tried to keep fit then got flu in May and went down hill and to level 4 COPD. When the GP listened to my chest she found a significant loss on the left side and I was sent for a chest x-ray which came back clear by which time I had several courses of abs and steroid I would like to find out why I get this.
Hi, I have been sent to see a new consultant, and he put me on azithromycin 3 times a week, it is helping to keep infections at bay, which was a bad problem for me earlier this year. I still get a bad ache, in my right lung where I've had pneumonia twice, the dr doesn't seem too concerned, I have no infection there. The link I mentioned earlier was interesting, explaining it may be our muscles causing the pain,due to the way we breath because of our condition. Maybe this could be you answer?
This is very interesting I have constant pain in both lungs, lower back arms and neck. My doctors don't seem interested either. I do have calcification on my diaphragm from asbestos exposure somewhere in my life so I suppose I am just worn out from keeping breathing. I just live with it, all the pills and stuff cause damage as well and my body is suffering enough as it is.....