After a discussion with Fran about my RA situation I am caught in two minds either accept what the RA is doing to me or do I gamble with my Lungs, From the offset I was informed that only one type of RA treatment I could receive was Hydroxy which has not worked up till now any other RA treatment could and would do my lungs serious damage, At that time I was in a bad way compared to what I am now, Everyone assumed I would get some sort of pain relief with a combination of meds when the bad times hit me like they are now but this is not the case, I asked Fran what would the Chest Consultant say if I asked them to allow another one of the RA treatments I don’t want to do this but I have been to hell and back this week in fact over 4 days I used 7 days meds and not one worked even now my wrists are very sore my back and hip is getting worse every day. Has anyone been in this situation I’m in now?
Do I Gamble Lungs or RA, Mattcass - Lung Conditions C...
Do I Gamble Lungs or RA, Mattcass

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Oh Mattcass, what a dilemma
I have not been in anything like your situation, but do have osteoarthritis and was in persistent pain until quite recently. Im lucky, no issues with medication affecting lungs, but i know how exhausting, depressing and stressful constant pain is (tho Im sure mine was nothing to what you get with RA) ...... it (pain ) seemed to interfere with almost everything I did, including lying down, during the day, and a lot of the night.
I can't offer advise, but I do offer my sympathy and understanding. I do hope whatever you decide, that there are some pain free days heading your way soon
All the best
Beth xx
Did the doctor say why RA treatments would do you serious lung damage? What lung disease do you have? I would get a second opinion. You have to do whatever is necessary to get you out of pain. Thinking of you and wishing you better.
Matt whatever you do don't take anything that will worsen you lung condition. I really hope they can come up with something to help you. M
Oh dear. What difficulties you are facing. I hope they can sort something out. x
{Quote] OBJECTIVES: To assess the efficacy of a cannabis-based medicine (CBM) in the treatment of pain due to rheumatoid arthritis (RA). . . .
CONCLUSIONS: In the first ever controlled trial of a CBM in RA, a significant analgesic effect was observed and disease activity was significantly suppressed following Sativex treatment. Whilst the differences are small and variable across the population, they represent benefits of clinical relevance and show the need for more detailed investigation in this indication. [/Quote]
I am not 100% sure but I think it was found as a benefit to peeps with MS too.
Both my lungs and arthritis are bad at the moment.
Oh dear Mattcass,what an awful situation for you to be in.I do feel for you.Sorry I have no advice,except to say would it be possible to obtain a 2nd opinion,as bugsbunny said.Sometimes,it is well worth it.
There must be some alternatives? I do hope so,for you & Frans
Hi Matt, I noticed stilltruckin's post about cannabis, I am wandering if you might ask your RA consultant about medically prescribed cannabis for RA, I believe there were UK trials back in 2004 and 2008 regarding this. You wouldn't have to smoke it there are other alternative ways to help preserve lung health.
I do hope you will be able to find some relief very soon.
Best wishes BC
Article From 2005:
Article dated 2010:
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