I have COPD and other ailment but this year has seen a twist.
Not many flare ups but more breathing difficulties.
Some time ago I was found to have some scaring on a lung.
Went for my COPD review this year and told the Asthma nurse my changed symptoms which includes fatigue. She said she would have a word with Doctor which she did, and he ordered an X Ray.
Not long after I was recalled to COPD nurse and in walked Dr and said i had a mark on my lung, i said do you mean shadow and he said yes,
He wanted a repeat x ray in 8 weeks which I had and again I was seen by my usual doctor this time. She said she was referring me and that I would need a MRI scan.
Not long after a got a call offering me various hospitals, I chose my normal and got an appointment for 20th January 2020. That seems a long time to wait, she advised I rang to see over cancellations from time to time.
I don't know what is causing shadows but i know what it could be - I might add during the 8 week gap, my GP said it had not got better but was no worse.
My question is has anyone else with COPD or NOT, had abnormal X Ray on lung and had to wait 4 moths to be seen.
I was told MRI would be separate and also told Chest Consultant would order MRI. not GP.
Anyone had similar experience?