Non smoking in Tunbridge Wells was just the ticket. What a good way to move in to packing up again. That sounds like the title to a book (not a very interesting one, I admit), but nevertheless.
However, just got home from a great night out, so slightly tipsy; so, forgive typing mistakes and general maudlin. Tomorrow, Birthday celebrations (supper/birthday cake here for my nephew, Ben and congrats. for my sister's PhD and her daugher's Masters). So, loads of food and alcohol and a year ago it would have been fantastic but, now, I'm thinking, oh no, they're all going to be going outside to have a smoke and I'd like to join them. If I could do a crying emoticon on here I would.
Self indulgence. Will manage.
Blimey, this is becoming like a diary! Stop here.
Will admit to using NRT (sucking a NRT gum as I write this). However, doing well despite lots of wine consumed tonight. Itching but not giving in (well, can't actually, no cigarettes available). However, delighted with myself. Thanks, to a large part, to all of you.
Christmas will be testing. My beautiful, lovely and fantastically clever but anorexic, very angsty and heavily smoking 20 year old daughter, will be home to stay for a few days. There will be the true test for me. Those of you who've seen my previous postings will know the many issues involved, not least my 16 year old who is deliberately overeating in response to her sister's anorexia.
Do you see a pattern there with smoking...! Anorexia/Obsesity/Smoking... Interesting. Well, there's a PhD thesis waiting to be written.Must be tipsy. Blimey, couldn't possibly post that on my facebook page, but there it is. Feel safe with you lot. Wouldn't dare put that on fb .
Back to the point. Thanks, you all. And, I do mean that. Over the past few days I've been glancing back over all your responses to my previous comment and your responses have so strengthened me. You're an amazing bunch and have been (and continue to be so helpful).
I hope to be in a position, very soon, to start giving advice to other newcomers (as I am). I don't feel qualified enough, right now, and would hate to give the wrong advice. Need a few more weeks of coming to terms with this smoking rubbish.
Cheers, guys and I shall probably hugely regret posting this when the cold (as it is at the moment) light of day greets me.
Lots of love to all of you from a very tipsy and non smoking, How bloody self indulgent am I being.