Well i think i got results of my X-ray .... well in a fashion no pneomone so its not that causing crackling lungs
My lung doc was hiding and sent is register might well of been joe jane public asking me all sorts i have already told lung doc
First thing she said did you get lung docs letter in surport and is response to my asbestos iidb claim.
I said am not happy as he is saying i have had bad lungs like for ever .... which is untrue.
Then thay said i have bronchitiasis no mention of my emphysema bullea heart problems or infections
Then told me unless a stop smoking witch i admitted to one or two a day i was finding hard to carry on smoking and admited i would stop .. then she said thay would stop giving me antibiotics
Well that was it then a heated debate about do thay threaten junkies or those who like beer No thay dont.
Doc could not answer and avoided any question about matrial i have been coughing up
Totaly avoided any question on asbestos fibers giving me all theses infections and only went on about my smoking
Thay tryed saying my illness was panic attacks and hyperventalion also irregular breathing pattens .. So i said have seen nutters runing up the road and nope there not out of breath also here i am sat here suffer pre hypertension .. and do i look like am hyperventilating told me all my sats was ok and antibiodies
But could not tell me anything about matrial i have been coughing up and how in my opinan is causing all my infections breathing problems ...
Some times you wonder if thay are the experts orif thay have your just mixed your notes up as is diagnosis is and previous converstions are full of contraditions