Smoking for over 40years, gave them up once in the 80s for three months and put on a stone so am afraid the same thing will happen again. Going to give it a go end of Nov and will try the ecigie
Hello all. I was supposed to stop smo... - Lung Conditions C...
Hello all. I was supposed to stop smoking end of October, but put it off. But the day has to come before I have no choice.
You will get plenty of support from us in the forum. Most of us are ex smokers. There is so much help for you, but you have to make the BIG decision to set a day and get the right mind set for it. Will power and determination. I am sure the BLF nurse could help if you click on the red balloon above for the phone no.
HI, will have to compare notes on the Ecig, going to give it a try myself. good luck. Nannyb xxx
Why wait till the end of November, have you not thought of using nicotine patches, I did and they worked for me, stopping smoking will be the best thing you could do.
Stopped myself on e cigs 4 months ago
Hi unamc I agree with rick1 why wait tell the end of November I've been a non smoker now for nearly 8 months and still have bad days where Iam struggling I gave up useing the nicotine inhalator and still do use it espically when things are getting to much I was a smoker for 33 yrs alot of years wasted I got so much support from the people.of this site let us no how you do and good luck xxx
I think it's the emotional body that gets in the way. Perhaps what you have to do is not smoke without thinking about it. sorry! It's perhaps not realistic, but you've to trick your body and brain to think it's better without smoke.
A carer for my friend came in to fetch her last week> Her clothing were saturated with smoke. I could smell her from a distance.
The glory for a man to be attractive to a man is that she smells good!
I've been a non smoker for almost 40 years. If it wasn't for bronchiectasis, doc says I'd have the lungs of someone who'd never smoked.
It's not easy giving up the evil weed but I wish you all the luck in the world. It is true you will get loads of support in here and we will help you any way we can. x
Hi Umamc go for it the e-cig really does work .I've been 1month 16 days smoke free using the socialite e-cig . I thought I never could do it but I have best of luck to you you can do it <3 Angie <3
Nicotine stimulates the metabolism, and it slows down when you give up smoking. This is why you gain some weight. Over time, though, your body should readjust. Don't snack on empty calories, such as sweets and chocolate. Try nibbling on fruit and veggies. Well done for deciding to stop smoking, and good luck x
Hi Unamc
I smoked 40 a day up until just over two years ago. I was in hospital with cellulitis for six weeks and couldn't get out for a smoke so I changed to an E-Cigarette. I never went back to cigarettes and I feel a lot better for it. It would probably be better to give up altogether but at the age of 71 it's not going to make a hell of a lot of difference to me. I wish you every success in giving up though. Give it your best shot and you will get lots of support on here.
Best regards, Bobby
I have put on some weight but because I was nibbling sweets, crisps, anything that I could just grab a handful off. I am not going to beat myself up about it because I have finally stopped smoking. The weight I will sort out after Xmas. So what an trying to say here is of o van do it so can you. Don't worry about anything else other than getting riff of those cigarettes. You can do it!!!
It is not easy to give up but with determination you can do it. If you do not want to put on weight then simply eat slightly smaller size meals. My incentive while I gave up was to save my cigarette money as it is surprising how quickly it mounts up. Over a year I had saved enough to buy all my food and presents for Christmas and to pay for a 2 week holiday abroad for my partner and myself. I managed to give up some 20 years ago now but I still save my ciggie money every month without fail. You can do it