Some of me poems.: The Road To... - Lung Conditions C...

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Some of me poems.

73 Replies

The Road To Cushendall

Where Antrim's mountains rise and fall

down towards the grey stone wall,

there the sea mist casts its pall

along the road to Cushendall.

Upon the rocks and crags so bare,

wild long grasses here and there

catch the wind like mermaid's hair

as it blows down to Cushendall.

Where the dark hills slope and lean

towards the gentle vale of green,

here the sea spray falls like rain

upon the road to Cushendall.

Beyond the shores of reddish clay

and out across the peaceful bay,

the purple hills of Scotland lay

looking down to Cushendall.

Beneath the Red Arch hewn from stone,

a weary traveller all alone

along the coast road leading home,

riding down to Cushendall.

Promise we will walk again

along the pleasant winding lane

that stretches out across the plain

when I return to Cushendall.

73 Replies

Fishing Boats

Rouse from the depth of winters dreams;

wake as sun through the window beams;

rise as the tide on pebbles foam;

watch the gulls as away they roam

to follow trawlers where Herring teem,

high on a breeze their feathers gleam.

Hark at the rigging creak and groan

as weary now the men come home.

All are glad to see the shore

where each one brings his boat to moor,

tying ropes and spreading nets

to dry in the sun before it sets.

KingoftheCocktails profile image

Conjures up all sorts of images. I will walk it with you next time!


Descriptive and imaginative. Congrats.

katieoxo60 profile image

lovely relaxing poems, I can imagine the view and also the fishermen coming ashore after a long days work.

longlungs profile image

Oh my they are just beautiful poemsgalore was there with you watching.Outstanding !! :) Janexx

mattcass profile image

Thank You I felt as if i was back in Ireland, Super Poem. Mattcass

Magic oh my how superb. thank you for sharing. Berwick xx

Puffthemagicdragon profile image

I love poems. Keep them coming ! :)

glesgajohn profile image

nice , nice ... i luv poetry

is it ok to post some poetry here ?

in reply toglesgajohn

please post away,anytime,,

in reply toglesgajohn

Please do glesgajohn, I'd love to read some of your father's work.

glesgajohn profile image
glesgajohn in reply to

thanx u seem talented yourself

in reply toglesgajohn

nice to see you on john high 5,bernice

glesgajohn profile image
glesgajohn in reply to

thanx carrots no long up lol

in reply toglesgajohn

well least your up,nice .bernice,,

glesgajohn profile image

ok ta , its by my late father but i think its good but theres ALOT , dont want to flood the forum lol

in reply toglesgajohn

flood away we like it,also lot of the forum sleep late so will have readin material,

thats real nice ,yes the sandman does call,the grand folk have gone,but we are hear ,and we are living,have you any more poems,as lots of members love poems as i do,thank you for sharing that,bless you,

glesgajohn profile image
glesgajohn in reply to

thanx again for your nice comments

yes as i said he wrote many , i will post more if ppl dont mind

in reply toglesgajohn

eh no 1 will mind please as many as u like,u will have a fan club blve me,bless you,

sad but true ,come on rise now,i understand now,we will help you all of us,let it all out ,your poetry speaks volumes,have you more,please post them,your troubles will be shared,bless you that as taken courage,stay on hear with us,

i liked that one

flood away you will have a fan club ,come on,ur doing good ,blve me,

glesgajohn profile image

one of his better ones i thought thanx

in reply toglesgajohn

no thank you ,,

glesgajohn profile image

never herd of it but thank you for your generous comment but it was written by my late father none of these are written by me , i just like to get them seen , ur comments appreciated

glesgajohn profile image

i being his son think all his poems are good but im bias , i just dont know what to do with them other than post them in places like this , thanx


Good old border Reiver surname too

my father from glasgow married a woman from carlise

glesgajohn profile image

awe a like u too xxx...havent read it but will now ...he wrote the poetry , i have the depression sadly

glesgajohn profile image

there are punctuation errors and mistakes but alot of them were scanned from originals that were worn so mistakes were copied and i havent got around to fixing them all yet


glesgajohn profile image

yes i have tried but i never seem to find the words for the expression , not educated enough words wise

in reply toglesgajohn

John, education - or lack of it - isn't important in becoming a poet. Don't think you have to use fancy words, or even make the poem rhyme. Just put down your thoughts in prose first, then try to jiggle the words around into some kind of rhythm. One of the best modern day poets in my mine (and the late great Seamus Heaney also expressed this thought) is Eminem. If you get the chance to listen to some of his raps, they are brilliant. You might find your poets voice in rap and not traditional poetry. Give it a try :-)

glesgajohn profile image
glesgajohn in reply to

i am educated ( i fink ) ,.. Eminem is great i think i listen to his stuff but havent lately

in reply toglesgajohn

have you any eminems friend,

glesgajohn profile image
glesgajohn in reply to

no but got some Malteser ones lol

in reply toglesgajohn

nice to see u are alert,smarty,lol

Toci profile image

There is just sooooooooooooo much talent on this site, it is scary! Welcome to both our poetic lady and a Glaswegian's shared poems of his father. Lovely reading.

in reply toToci

true tocixx

Yes Stitch, thank you. Where did you see my poems? The only places I can think of is on the BCC forums or Maggies Online Community.

I love it. Reminds me a bit of one of my own that came runner up in a poetry competition:


When I climb the stairs to bed

All kind of thoughts go through my head.

The third step from the top that's creaky,

Shadows on the wall, so creepy.

Through my window opened wide,

Whispers of the trees outside

Sound like robbers, sound like thieves,

Hiding in among the leaves.

I pull the duvet round me tight

Thank goodness for my little light

Which casts its cosy glow around

And makes me feel so safe and sound.

While Teddy and I lie hand in hand

To drift away to Slumberland.

glesgajohn profile image
glesgajohn in reply to

i c u havent wasted your talents over the years poetry seems to come to some ppl with ease u have a talent !

Steamtrain1958 profile image
Steamtrain1958 in reply to

I really hope your teddy is as special as mine. Your bed time is so like mine at the moment lol june

Amazing. The irony of the situation the writer finds themselves in. Freedom from prison can mean a hell on earth. I wonder if the publishers of 'Big Issue' would publish this as it is about homelessness.

glesgajohn profile image
glesgajohn in reply to

ur words are kind , coming from anothe poet its appreciated ,i thought about giving it to the big issue or shelter maybe , as i thought alot of ppl could relate to it but it would be conditional that my father got the recognition for it thats all i would want


I just emailed the big issue and taken your advice thanx waiting to hear back from them

Your father was a brilliant poet. The only thing I can suggest is (after tidying them up a bit) to contact a poetry magazine. You might have to subscribe to it before you can submit any work though. Try the following links to find one.


Good luck.

glesgajohn profile image
glesgajohn in reply to

will have a look thanx i admit it needs tidied up abit

Just One More Runaway

She wakes up in the morning

to another dismal day

and turns towards the window

where the early light shines grey.

She almost tastes the mist

that creeps into the room

as she stares up at the ceiling

through the sad, depressing gloom.

She notices the cobwebs

that hang around the light;

she knows the bulb's not working -

it blew a fuse last night.

Reluctantly she rises

to lean out across the sill.

As she rubs her sleep-filled eyes

the air hangs cold and still;

and on the lawn below

the frost lays thick and white,

as though a fall of snow

had settled in the night.

She stumbles to the bathroom

not noticing the grime.

She'd like to have a nice long soak -

if only there was time.

She washes in cold water

as the heater's broken too

and the cistern's cracked and leaky

when she tries to flush the loo.

She looks beneath the towel rail

at the fluff that gathers there

and a beetle scurries through

all the dust and bits of hair.

Her jeans could do with washing

and her sweater has a hole

where she caught it on a nail

in the cellar, fetching coal.

But she'll wear them anyway;

she doesn't really care

as no-one else will see her.

They'll never know she's there.

She knows she's all alone now,

the others have all gone

leaving her with shadows

that stop her moving on.

She wears the scruffy parka,

the one her boyfriend left

when he walked away, deserting her:

pregnant and bereft.

She hears the baby crying;

the one she never had.

She hears her all the time now

and knows she's going mad.

She thinks about her mother

and wonders how she feels

in her house out in suburbia.

Is it true, time really heals?

She sits beside the river

and watches as it flows

heading off towards the sea

and then - God only knows.

They found her three days later

they didn't know her name

but it doesn't really matter

as nobody's to blame.

She wakes up in the morning

to another dismal day

and turns towards the window -

just one more runaway.

glesgajohn profile image
glesgajohn in reply to

this is brilliant i think, gave me goosebumps,. so much talent , is it from experience ?

in reply toglesgajohn

No, if I'd had half the experiences I'd written about, I'd be about 200 years old by now :-). I just feel that

Steamtrain1958 profile image
Steamtrain1958 in reply to

Oh so how I feel right now.

I love the repeat rhyme across the lines and stanzas. A device I've often used myself to good effect. Very enjoyable.

glesgajohn profile image
glesgajohn in reply to

thanx to see ppl read and enjoy them makes me proud of him and his writing ,.

Toci profile image
Toci in reply toglesgajohn

Great piece of poetry - about a great drink! x

I wrote this whilst having chemotherapy for breast cancer, and feeling as though I'd lost myself along the way.

Where Did I Go?

Once I was human

a long time ago,

Someone with strength

and get up and go

That person has vanished

I don't know where to,

I just cannot find her

Please, where did I go?

My life is such sadness

to think of my past

the girl I once was

but that didn't last.

I look in the mirror,

and I no longer know

Just who I am,

Oh where did I go?

One day I'll come back,

but be different somehow,

be stronger, be bolder

be calm and I vow

I won't make a mess

of my new life, oh no,

but just tell me please,

where did I go?

I won't give in to pity

or pass on the blame

for all my mistakes

that was me, just the same.

I'll keep going forward

move on, so you know

as long as I find out

just where I did go.

glesgajohn profile image
glesgajohn in reply to

emotion seems to be a good catalyst for poetry in some ppl. have you compiled your poetry in a book yet ?

in reply toglesgajohn


Steamtrain1958 profile image
Steamtrain1958 in reply to

You not only have a brilliant pen but you have touched the very core of my life.

you have now loads of us,bernicex

Mavary profile image

Hi! They really are good poems and you should think about getting them published.

glesgajohn profile image
glesgajohn in reply toMavary

hi and thank u

This one is based (loosely) on personal experience.


Pretend you don't see,

that's right - look away

as you pass by her wheelchair

every day.

You with your laptop

and mobile phone

so much in a hurry

on your way home.

Just stop and think

as you rush for the train

and remember this -

she has a brain.

At sixteen she read Tolstoy

and Chekov too,

understood every word.

How about you?

At twenty she starred

in an Ibsen play.

Brought the house down -

"Who's Ibsen?" you say,

as you vacantly stare

through the evening rain.

Remember this -

she has a brain.

She belongs to Mensa

and CND

camped out at Greenham

in '83.

She fought for freedom

in her youth;

said "Ain't I a woman?"

like Sojourner Truth.

Take a deep breath,

look back again

and remember this -

she has a brain.

She had seven children,

strong girls and boys

who lived in a house

full of love and noise.

She taught them to care

for their fellow man

and make a difference

wherever they can.

Look into her eyes

so full of pain

and remember this -

she has a brain.

Toci profile image
Toci in reply to

Made me cry. x

glesgajohn profile image
glesgajohn in reply to

this is as good as ive ever read , your good

glesgajohn profile image
glesgajohn in reply toglesgajohn

@ poemsgalore

my fathers poetic hero was a guy called ROBERT W. SERVICE . i dont know if you have heard of him or read his stuff....

also have u ever read The Green Eye of the Little Yellow God

J. Milton Hayes ?

if u havent u can read it here

pure dead brilliant !!!

in reply toglesgajohn

i will look now

Blimey, that's a blast from the past Stitch! Yes, that is me. Haven't been there for a while, ill health prevented me really, and I don't write as often as I used to :-(

Toci profile image

Eminem rocks!

in reply toToci

true there xx

glesgajohn profile image

lol, am only god @ glesga slang when ave had 1 to many ..

in reply toglesgajohn

nice to see you on john ,

ha stitch nice to see you been fed,bernice

glesgajohn profile image

thanx stitch he was from Glasgow

i posted a you tube link on my other post he kicks of the video

he wrote this poem about 40 years ago

Not personally Stitch. The idea I was trying to convey is don't take anyone at face value. This really came home to me after my mum's second stroke. She was in a nursing home, unable to speak, walk, sit up even. I felt compelled to tell one of her carers that this old lady, so helpless and dependent on others, taught me to read and write when I was 3. Taught me to knit when I was 4. Made all my clothes when I was a child. Although she left school at 14, she was one of the cleverest, brightest women I'd ever known. She had a thirst for knowledge and passed that on to me. She was a marvel in the garden and knew more plants and how to look after them than I ever will. She learned to drive and passed her test first time at 40. I could go on forever.

But I always notice people in wheelchairs and try to treat them with the respect they deserve. I worked in a special school for 14 years, which only strengthened my belief that those who appear to some as less able than most, can teach us a lot - phew!! Sorry for the

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