Prednisolone doing wonderful job of improving recent breathing problems but arghhh the itching - all over body itching driving me scatty - solutions?
Prednisolone itch: Prednisolone doing... - Lung Conditions C...
Prednisolone itch
Ouch, why not phone the pharmacist they are very good with advice.
Hope you get it sorted soon.
polly xx
You could try a bath with bread soda in it. I remember bathing my kids in bread soda when they were young and had chicken pox to help with the itch.
What about a regular antihistamine from the chemist and bathe in E45 bath oil. That's what I do. Hope you find a solution soon. I've had this and eczema and the urge to scratch is unbearable
I would call your Doc your having a reaction to them, I had one on my last lot as I rarely take them they are very hard on me and it puts me off I was whizzing and was told to come off them immediately, I have been told there are 'other options and different types of steriods they are able to give us' I would ask on your options here ...they don't give us all the information and I susupect for obvious reasons pred is the cheapest . Hope you get help and hope they sort you out with something else, I intend to ask on this and will update here when I find out what else is available for lung patients.
Hi, I have been on prednisolone a few times, and yes, itching was one of the problems I found. I showered with 'simple' showergel, and then sometimes used talcum powder,(baby), and always use a mild lotion. E45 is good too, but I don't think you should use that all over the body every day. My mother used to use Aqueous cream from the docs. It might be wise to ask the pharmacist what you could use too. All the best,be careful coming off the prednisolone, I had a few unpleasant side effects.
You should speak with your doc about this, or the pharmacist.
Hope you find something to calm things down.
I'm surprised at people having skin reactions to prednisolone. My experience is my skin problems disappear also any itching settles down. But hey we are individuals and and such react differently. But definitely mention to the GP or pharmacist
Lots of good advice above. Given that it is Sunday try checking your local paper to see which pharmacies are open today and give them a ring.
I have a very itchy (excruciatingly itchy) rash at the moment, origin unknown. It comes and goes, popping up in various parts of my body, mainly sweatpoints and folds. It is usually at its worst at bedtime. Disappeared by morning
I have had it before and took a non-drowsy antihistamine like Piriton. I don't wan't to take it this time as I am on heart drugs so need to find out if its ok.
For calming down the heat and itch I am using Aqueous Calamine Cream - it is great - works in 15-20mins.
However it may depend on what your rash is. Is it there all the time? Is it individual spots?
I get itching as a symptom of Polycythaemia which I have as a complication of my long term COPD. I suggest you talk to your Respiratory team to make sure it may or may not be the prednisolone.
Best wishes
Well! What an amazing bunch of answers - thank you! Antihistamines seem to be slightly taking the edge off. I always itch on steroids though over the years it does seem to have worsened - I will mention it to the respiratory nurse though. Steroids also make me very wired which whilst adding to my sleep problems does have the great upside of making me feel I have some energy for once! As for itching in silence, I do little in silence - most certainly not suffer in it!
Thanks everyone
No magic itch cure but it happened to me, better now I'm cutting down on steroids...
My step father has had awful itch with rash for the last 8 months and at long last it seems to be settling! He became very depressed with it as it is unbearable itching. The docs will say its because they have now reduced his blood pressure tablets but I think the munuka honey , cream version as well as taking a teaspoon daily (as honey) has helped him. It's strange though as they prescribed him prednisone in the first instance. Good luck!
Hi Struggle, sorry for the late reply but not been on here for a couple of days. I take a lot of prednisolone mainly for my Rheumatoid Arthritis as Respiratory team would like to cut them down a bit, and have the same problem. Usually when I go to bed. While I get ready it starts, usually my ankles or legs, but sometimes my arms and hands. I start to scratch and have to stop as that breaks the skin with it being so thin. Then I tried cold water splashed on the itch, but that didn't work. Eventually I took a Baby Wipe and rubbed gently over the itch and believe it or not it worked. A little while later it started again but I just dabbed it again and it stopped. I don't know if it works with any wipe, but I use Morrison's Little Big sensitive Baby Wipes. Give them a try and good luck.
Will do - thanks! It's odd how it strikes at night as I take them in the morning.