What are you all doing on this dreary... - Lung Conditions C...

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What are you all doing on this dreary afternoon?

peege profile image
20 Replies

Hello all.

I've been away from wifi for a couple of weeks (bar 3 days in Amersham for the event of my year) - quite a strange experience, almost like being on a desert island! In fact it was the village of Downton, Wiltshire.

On the 4th my new granddaughter was born safely by c-section in Stoke Mandeville (what a brilliant hospital).

I'll be going back Amersham to help out from next Tuesday to help with the two year old. Cant wait to get my hands on that little baby no-name again. Thankfully no problems with wifi at their place.

I was suposed to get my diagnosis on 2nd September at St Georges, Tooting. I made a 200 mile round trip especially because I so wanted not to miss the appt. When I got there I just asked if it was certain that I wouldn't be seeing the horrible cons (I'd made sure, or so I thought that I would never have to see him again) lo & behold, only he was on duty. So I re-appointed and will try again on 23rd. Grrrrr, was I mad. Fortunately, I've managed to remain infection free.

Hello and a warm welcome to all you new members. Lovely site this, you miss it when you go away :D

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20 Replies

Good to hear, Peeg. Nice to hear your latest and congratulations abut the new granddaughter. Sadly all my grandchildren are fast growing up, but I have had my turn.

Dull day, but pottering around. Husband is having a rest between chemo sessions. The last one didn't work. He will start again in October. Talk about count up to ten, but we are lucky that it didn't happen before when we were more active.

No chest infections for about 2 months. Wonder if it was the probiotic stuff with vitamins I am taking. I am going to the respiratory clinic tomorrow, and will ask to have my puffers reviewed.

Agree the site is great company, especially on a dull Sunday afternoon. love Anniseed x

peege profile image
peege in reply to

sorry to hear about hubby Annieseed, that's a great pity and having to start again in October. Wish him well from Wimbledon for me.

Did you manage tostart PR?

This cold is a shock to the system. I've come back to an empty cupboard and enjoying being home so much I've neglected to go shopping, now I'm getting REALLY hungry so I'm going to wrap up very warm, gloves, scarf plus umbrella to get some urgent supplies for supper.

Been lovely catching up with all the posts on BLF (except the sad news of Catel).

Just keep taking the vits & probiotics, how can we stop. I've been on the Manuka honey, also from the doc: Montelukast & Mucodyne, trying to manage the asthma better and I've been infection free for 5 months. Beginning to feel myself again, I daren't stop taking any of them now because something has certainly changed xxx P

Good to have an update peeg -, you've had a busy time of things. Congratulations on the safe arrival of your grand-daughter.

What a bummer about that miserable con at St George's (good abbreviation, that! ), hope that gets sorted out but meanwhile you did right giving him a miss - just a shame you kept to your part but had a wasted journey.

Stay well. By the way I was reminded to book in for my flu vacc and that's on for 12 October xx

peege profile image
peege in reply to

oooooo yes, thanks for reminder. Flu jab ......... I like your abbreviation of miserable con! The French would call him that too :D

Congratulations on your new arrival must be a very special baby - I share the same birthday. I love babies too! Hope you keep infection free ! Take care and the best of luck on the 23rd. With love TAD x x

peege profile image
peege in reply to

Hi Tad, HAPPY BIRTHDAY for the 4th! Hope you had a lovely day & that Grumpy wasn't so.... well, grumpy!! P xxxx

Hollyhockhattie profile image

You have been missed that's for sure peeg.. congratulations on the birth of your grandaughter, my own grandaughter was born three weeks ago and I have yet to meet her as her parents live in the South of France. She is my 7th grandchild but first grandaughter. :)

I managed to see my consultant this week and she was very pleased with me as I have gained 4kg since I was admitted to hospital . My sats were 96 on air and that is amaziing for me. I have started to get a bit breathless again but do not feel unwell just disapointed. She prescribed symbicort inhaler for that. So thanks to all the incredible input I have received from everyone here I am taking manuka honey daily, eating well, walking the dog more, plus taking mucodyne which I can feel working. I challenged my GP about my stopped meds and yesterday received a voicemail to say my prescription was waitng to be picked up! Good result.

I also went to my first breathe easy meeting and enjoyed a talk on winter preparation. I also won a prize in the raffle.

I'm sorry to hear about your appointment but glad you are infection free and feeling well. There is a definite chill in the air now so we all need to take care. Glad your back , Holly

peege profile image
peege in reply to Hollyhockhattie

Aw that's lovely Holly. Congratulations to you too are in order, 7th? wow, now that's just greedy! Hope you get to see her soon, is that a possibility? Coincidence, my son William is also in South of France. A little place called Cassis on the coast just east of Marseille. It's beautiful, there, they wake up every day to gorgeous views of blue sea. It's a real tonic going there, though I've not been yet this year. They are trying for a baby too. Exciting.

I'm not sure what's helped me stay well for so long. I've got the heating on & wearing warm clothes which I wouldn't have bothered about before. I'm sure having a better understanding (from coming on BLF) has helped enormously, oh & the PR!

Anyway, I'm very pleased to hear your news, especially the baby girl, the weight gain, sats & meds being sorted. Things are looking up for us. I'm going to have my dose of vit c & echinacea now. :)

in reply to Hollyhockhattie

Congrats Holly,on your new Grandchild,I have 7 as well,3 girls,& 4 boys!How lovely,having the first girl,I'm sure she'll be spoiled!

Glad you enjoyed the breathe easy xxx

Hollyhockhattie profile image

My son and his family live in Montpellier. He's been there 17 years now and I remember waving him off at Waterloo Eurostar all those years ago. He was in his second year of an HND and went to work in Eindhoven for a year as a placement. I received a letter saying .. sorry if you havn't heard from me for a while bit was staying with my French girlfriend! Well I thought that's the end of his studies .. but no he came back , finished his last year and went straight back to her. Am glad to say all went well for them with work and family. When I was in hospital he invited me to come over after the birth but when things were a little settled so should get to see her soon. He wants me to take the train and will meet me in Paris as apparently he doesn't think i will be able to ask for directions to cross from one station to another ( bless him). Actually the consultant said my sats were good enough to fly and there is an airport in Montpellier which would be more convenient but am ashamed to say I have never stepped foot on a plane ! How do I overcome my fear? :)

peege profile image
peege in reply to Hollyhockhattie

similar story with my son Wiiliam, except he was born in North Africa so had inbuilt longing for blue skies & sea. We came home to UK when he was 6. Most of our friends there were French too, he never really felt a belonging to UK and is very happy in France. They're on South coast, Cassis, 20 minutes east of Marseille. He wakes up every day to glorious views of the blue sky, sea and many days of sunshine. It's lovely. I went 4 times last year (none this :( ) and swam in the Med in Jan, Feb & March it was that warm.... if it weren't for ole Fred I'd go more often. Sometimes it's only £50 return :D..... you go and get a cuddle with your 1st granddaughter.

Re the train, it's easier to change at Lille because you only have to change platforms there.

Re fear of flying, hypnosis? I was ok flying from 16 but got increasingly afraid when I had children & we flew a lot. I always hid it from them. Finally cured myself doing solo parachute jumps in the '90s xxxx

KingoftheCocktails profile image

The Bull Inn at Downton brings back memories of the sixties for me. The creaking floorboards made helluva noise in the middle of the night peeg!!!

KOTC Your daily tonic

peege profile image

What were you doing creeping around in the middle of the night anyway King?

There are 3 pubs that I've seen but I'm hopeless with pubs. One has recently closed down. A red brick one st on a corner very close to the church. Do you remember the church & churchyard?

appyalison profile image

Hi peeg, lovely to have you back even if for just a short time. Congratulations on the birth of your granddaughter. Great to know you have been productive in your absence! What a shame the hospital was such a disappointment. Best of luck for the 23rd. I think Montelukast really helped with the cough. I am so glad you are feeling better. Enjoy lots of cuddles when you see the new baby, keep taking the tablets andstay well. :-) :-) Alison

appyalison profile image

Oh, forgot to answer your question. On this wet afternoon we have done very little as we have been recovering from yesterday 's exertions at the onion fare. Our weather has been wet but not as bad as predicted. Hope weather improves during the week. :-) :-) Alison

peege profile image
peege in reply to appyalison

thanks 'appy, I think it's going to go back to normal on Friday xx

nanaber profile image

Hi Peeg a big congratulations on the birth of you new granddaughter. Shame about your appointment but you did right to ce away and make a new appointment. I've been busy to it was my latest granddaughter's christening and its also my birthday. So instead of staying the night with my son he booked us in to a very nice hotel close to where he lives. So I guess I should put this away and talk to mr grumpy.

peege profile image
peege in reply to nanaber

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Nanaber! How nice the Christening is on your birthday :)

Hi peeg,good to see you back & a big congrats.on the new Grandbaby! I do so love babies,have 7 grandkids,all growing,or grown now.Looked after all of them when small,so the Mums & Dads,could keep on working,to buy there homes they were very happy days.

Sorry about your wasted hospital trip,but you did the right thing.

Love Wendells xxx

Congratulatuions peeg on your new granddaughter :)

Good wishes fro 23rd.


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