I have noticed that in the town,here nearly every shop has an American flag to celebrate independence day.!! on the 4th there will be jazz bands,cheer leaders and everything American.now,on Saturday armed forces day.....there was nothing.has anyone else noticed this where you live ?? Why are we British so wanting to be Like America
Independence day ?: I have noticed that... - Lung Conditions C...
Independence day ?
Hadn't you heard, Jambo? We are the 51st State ..... (ironic smilie)
Ahhh,now I know lol xx
I've oodles of friends in the States, and they do make a big fuss over it ... can't think why LOL
It is because the Americans kicked the Brits out years ago, as my American sister is never tired of reminding me. I get my own back by telling her she was born in Putney. Think it was inevitable that the Americans wanted us out, they were bigger, and wanted to be independant. So why they are still making a noise about it, goodness knows. And stuffing turkey down their throats.
What with that,Halloween,and prom nights, it's silly
what can I say.... they like dressing up????
We only celebrate it in this country I think because on the quiet, we were glad to see the back of them & this is only way we can actually celebrate,!
Not that I have anything against the worlds No 1 police man
They have so little history thy feel the need o make the most of what little they have
I have noticed a lot of people these days seem to speak with terms used in america, gets on my nerves really. Don't know if it is because of tv shows. Things like calling rubbish 'garbage' - I tell my kids off if I catch them doing that.
anna xxx
OH Anna I know what you mean your just like me i really hate Americanisms they irritate me like mad
Love Julie xxx x xx
This is a good chance to sound off about American spellings and terms. I see the MOM used amongst others. In a way, I could see it coming with the internet shrinking the world. But I want spellcheck to be English (UK). When you have to click a flag symbol, to get English, it shouldn't be the stars and stripes!! ---End of rant!!
We are not allowed to celebrate Armed Forces Day with the respect it deserves because of the PC brigade, totally wrong other countries have big celebrations why can't we?
The Americans always make a bigger thing of Halloween than Christmas which I find odd I love christmas Halloween scares me cos I is a bit of a coward hahahah xxxx Julie

Ah Julie, no need to be scared of Halloween hun, it,s only me n the girls out playing LOL
Julie..well said xxx
We have always altered our perceptions according to the minority for some unknown reason. We are becoming a nation of lemmings, they say jump and we say how high. Well some do, I don't ! xx
Join that scrobs, I am a rebel xx
You should have been in Nottingham for Armed Forces Day.It made me proud to be British
Many years ago when I was travelling in Greece I got friendly with some American service personnel, and used to go to their base etc. Well the 4th of July came and they decided on a beach party to which I was invited, during which one of them asked me if we celebrated the 4thof July in the UK, of course I said with a straight face 'We celebrate getting rid of you'. and being unfortunately very naïve - they believed me! So although said in jest yes sillywitch I think we should celebrate it ha ha xx