Hi Al, lm getting a bit nervous but I am still very positive for tomorrows consultation with the Top IPF Consultants and Transplant team in Edinburgh who have taken over my case, The good thing is my Chest Consultant is also going to be there, Also without saying to much to me he has indicated that most of the tests carried out for this meeting are very good, This is one consultation I will be listening to very carefully along with Fran, Will keep you updated the minute I get home. mattcass
Consultation for Transplant Decision ... - Lung Conditions C...
Consultation for Transplant Decision Tomorrow,

Everything crossed for you mattcass - one more bridge. It sounds so positive.
Best of luck,
Aww sometimes nerves are good, they keep you alert and able to ask the questions you need answers to. Best of luck for tomorrow, and keep us up to date when you can.
Will be keeping everything crossed for you. Don't forget to write your questions down before going otherwise you may get flustered and forget to ask anything
Best of luck Mattcass.I hope the consultation goes well for you.
All the best for tomorrow Mattcass. Everything is crossed for you.
Tina x
Good luck Mattcass,it sounds as if you are on the start of a brand new life!! Wish you every success,remember patience is a blessing!
Love Wendells xx
Lots of luck for tomorrow Matt. I hope that everything goes well for you and Fran.
Love and hugs
Mattcass, all good wishes for tomorrow, will be thinking of you.
Sending loads of positive your way.
Love BC
Best of luck tomorrow, hope you get the decision you want. xxxx
O dear! That was red letter! xx
Good Luck and very best wishes for tomorrow mattcass we will have our fingers crossed for you.
Best of luck for tomorrow mate. Don't forget to report straight back 'cos the ladies will be whittling.
Best regards
Goodluck for tomortow mattcass hope everything goes your way xx
Good luck for tomorrow. I hope to be in a similar position too (yes a strange hope) soon.
Marie x
Good luck for tomorrow Mattcass - will be thinking of you. Please let us know how you get on.
Love cx
all the best for today Mattcass xx
Hi , I have a few friends awaiting transplant ( COPD group ) so the issue of all recent successes and procedures are often on our agenda . There is certainly more headway being made and more good outcome reported by friends of friends etc . A good friend of mine has been called 3 times without success but at least he is now well practiced at getting to hospital for it ( 3 hr drive ) , I also saw a tv prog last week which included a lung transplant , it was great , the woman was on oxy , nebs and bipap etc the same as me and was a different woman after the op ( double lung ) . The procedure was less traumatic to the body than i thought and the difference between the old lungs and the new was unbelievable , the old were like a very old crock and the new were like a new sports car.
I hope you get your op very soon and enjoy a new lease of life with the new lungs xx
Hello, I too am on the list the consultaton was a lot easier than I expected and the mot given was really thorough. I have been called n once wthout success but I am being patient and hopeful for the next time. Trust you are successful mattcass and look forward to hering from you tomorrow. Thankyou dinnyraer for the information. Love to you all. Susie Q xx
We don't know each other but I am praying for your strength and hoping that everything goes well. We are elderly and have just started on the COPD road but I am learning how much bravery is hidden in the words I read. Good luck. Lots of love Brenda xx
Good luck for today. X
ooh very best wishes. x
best wishes let us no how u get on ,novena said for u