can i claim benefits for having copd?? - Lung Conditions C...
can i claim benefits for having copd??

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Several benefits are claimable for, the effects of COPD, rather than the condition itself.
Seek advice from BLF benefits adviser
i am new to all this i had to leave work in jan to lookafter my dad,just befor that my doc sent me for tests came back that iv got copd and a fuw other things im only 36 and i dont no wot to do. thanks for replying to my question
Also check that father your is up to date , with all his benefit entitlements,
For yourself you could claim careers allowance ?
yes i get that now,i walk everyday ther and back but it realy takes it out of me and geting the bus 2 times aday 7 days aweek cost to much for me now
COPD does not give an automatic entitlement to benefit. As with any other illness, its about what you can and cannot do as an individual. Several people on this site do get benefit, others don't. Some work (I do) and some who work get DLA to help support them in work.
You might be best to speak to the BLF.
Lynne xx
thanksx have you got number for them?
I tryed last year for it was turned down because I was not breathless on the day I went for my assessment. The CAB told me COPD was one of the hardest things to claime for benefits

Hi emmaw
Yes, there may be benefits you may be eligible to claim for depending on how the COPD effects your personal care, mobility and ability to work.
As lnne and others have suggested please do give us a call - 03000 030 555.
You should be able to get Carers allowance. You might be able to get attendance allowance which is not means tested.
We never claimed any benefits until my husband was ill but it has really helped us.
Its not attendance allowance for someone under pension age Jean - its DLA. Or rather it was it is now PIP.
Bev x
You should enquire about a free bus pass. This would help you financially to visit your father. Even if you are not entitled to any other benefits, you may be able to get a bus pass if your doctor will support you. Good luck x
Hi, i am new to this site and really need some advice, i have been diagnosed with borderline copd but already have great difficulty with coughing fits ending in being unable to breath. i have had to give up my job as an upholsterer as the adhesives and dust from the fabrics and foam irritate badly,just about anything seems to bring on the coughing from talking , yawning, hot air ,cold air and laughing ends horribly so try to avoid laughter whenever possible. i am only 53 so below retirement age and self employed . can anyone tell me if it would be possible to take early retirement? or could i claim disability?
thanks in advance
any advice greatly needed
I've copd for life and I woz told I could put a clam in for it and they told me that I can not get nothing for copd why is that when I woz told I can
What benefits can I claim for having c.o.p.d with four children
It's how it affects your day to day life not what condition you have try benefits help line for a benefit check
My friend gets pip for copd she is 49 and gets enhanced rate she is under hospital and on oxygen took her years to get it was turned down but its got worst now so last year she was awarded...but it was most difficult progress to go through for she had been turned down twice before ..hope this helps for you....
Forgot to say I am applying for PIP for COPD and other chronic conditions was turned down first time but trying again but it dose go on how it affects you not the condition. I found a good web site called benefits and work it tells you how to fillin the forms and how to appeal if you get turned down hope this helps xx
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