While being off sick from work, I recently had the misfortune to have been humiliated by the SS, sorry ATOS.
I scored a big fat zero, was kicked off of ESA & told me to contact my employers as they considered me fit for work, although they did recognise that I have a disability !
This was all despite me also being signed off work by my GP !
As I'm not used to claiming benefits, due to working all my adult life, I gave in and went back to work.
I was then deemed as unfit to continue in my position at work by the company Doctor, and was given 6 weeks to find an alternative role within the company by my HR.
I have now been given 3 months notice by my employer, and have been retired under the ill health severance scheme.
51 years old, & 21 years service down the pan !!!
How do I stand with claiming benefits ?
I have been deemed fit for work by ATOS, and now after resuming work I have been retired under the ill health severance by my employer !
Please help, as I am now totally perplexed as to what to do.
Dave xxx