why???????: - Lung Conditions C...

Why what ??
Perhaps it's the little imp sitting on my shoulder - but whenever faced with this question, my reply is always
WHY not??
Because I can
Why indeed, like, Why oh why did you bother to post this??????
Indeed - why, oh why, oh why ?
We did why already,,, but why not again,,cause we already done it,,
I got because Y's not Z. ??? er wots that all about, if you asked why again you got, cos. Z's a crooked letter. Never got a straight answer.
Ian, why do you ask WHY?? questing for knowledge about what?
Why did none of us think of that? You do realise you're a genius, Annie x x
I don't know why but it wasn't me anyway. Bob
this was to do with the censorship forced upon us by some faceless bureaucrat. For goodness sake I'm 64 and can well decide for myself what I look at or read for myself. If "they" dont like this answer then feel free to remove me completely...........................
What's up? What censorship? Where?
what am I missing, you sound cross ianrgrant
cant find it now but looked interesting and had been removed.
Ah I get it - never say enough for people to understand what you're talking about, sometimes known as the long winded way.
whats wrong
Some blogs were accidentally removed when the server was being sorted out. If you say what it was about the person who wrote it may see and post it again.
to Gordon57, suggest you do it a little bit and wear glasses, and I still cant find it again.
(story of my life......)
why why what .or why me,on here copd nation ,i wish not me but i have emphysema chronic bront....,why me
Why are we here?
That's what I want to know 'Why are we here', if we knew we could do something about it.