I posted earlier this week about having a horrible flu' virus which morphed into an asthma attack. Long story short, I rang 111 who prescribed a short course of prednisolone and for a day or so it seemed like it was doing the trick. But the cough has returned with a vengeance and I can't stop coughing. What do I do now?
Can't stop coughing .... ☹️ - Asthma Community ...
Can't stop coughing .... ☹️

Hi, sorry your still not feeling well, I'm sorry I don't have any advice other than to ring 111 again, perhaps a longer course of steroids might be needed, if they have given you a few days relief? There are things I would do but I have a specific type of asthma, and have realised we aren't allowed to suggest what we use as options to others, I just didn't want to ignore your post once I had read it, I hope you get some more advice and start to feel better soon 😊
Hi Stewiecat. You are right to say that we are all different and what suits you is not always suitable for other people, but it would be helpful to hear your perspective and personal opinion on what you have found helpful for a cough that won't go away? As long as you make it clear that you're not advocating it for others,, unless I'm wrong?
I suggested a nebuliser is helpful to me, to someone who posted last week, and was immediately told not to tell others to try things that could be dangerous to their type of asthma. On this occasion i was just reaching out with some kindness to someone who had posted for a second time, and not received any replies 🤷♀️
Stewiecat As a moderator, this is a fine line. Even if someone makes it clear it's their experience and they don't explicitly suggest something to another user, it can still come across to some people as a suggestion. That could be actively harmful to others when they don't have the knowledge or context to know whether it's a good idea for them and they don't have guidance from a healthcare professional. We can't expect users to be aware of everything that might affect others, especially when even that person doesn't always know themselves.
Eg inhaling steam as an example: one person might say they find it helpful for a cough but not be aware it could be an asthma trigger. Another person tries it because they don't know it's an asthma trigger either and their asthma is triggered.
We are aware people mean well and want to help, but sharing personal experiences, even for home remedies or non-drug options, is genuinely a minefield a lot of the time and we have to be on top of it as moderators even if it seems annoying.
I was simply replying to someone who called me out for replying to a post with kindness, and not making any useful suggestions on proactive things to try 🤷♀️ think I'll stick to reading rather than posting, I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't 🤦♀️
I appreciate that you weren't trying to recommend anything.
But since you mentioned your other post about the nebuliser and Itswonderful wasn't sure about whether it was ok to discuss your own experiences, I was trying to explain why that can be tricky and can still come across as a recommendation, even when it wasn't intended that way. Particularly for something that people can get without medical input.
You are of course more than welcome to post and offer support like anyone else - just please bear the points above in mind when sharing your experience.
This is a general point for everyone, I only tagged you because you had specifically mentioned the response on your other reply and I knew you wouldn't necessarily see it as it was a reply to Itswonderful (that's a quirk of HU).
I'd ring 111 again if u need to.personally I'd increase my salbutamol. I find gargling,just water helps and a tspn clear honey gd for coating throat.its important to stay calm & slip into pursed lips controlled breathing technique ( see aluk website).have u tested for covid? Some people find inhaling steam helps,some dont.if youve any.lozenges or mints - they may help by keeping throat moist Hope u soon feel better xxxxx
Thanks everyone - seeing a GP tomorrow and the asthma nurse. All advice appreciated 👍

I was going to suggest 111/GP again if you hadn't had any replies but see you already are. I hope they're helpful!
Saw the GP who gave my antibiotics and saw the asthma nurse who was, tbh, worse than useless. Anyway, the upshot is that I had a better night and they've changed my inhaler. Thanks everyone for replying to my posts. Sometimes, you just want some reassurance that you're doing the right thing and that someone else has some experience of what you're going through 😊
Some people find that a steroid nasal spray , such as Flixonase, helps dry up a persistent cough. Possibly a dose of antibiotics too might help - obviously you need to talk about this with your team. I found a short term tonic such as Ferroglobin plus really helped me get shot of a persistent chest infection that happened every time I caught a cold. Prior to taking the tonic I used to have to get a course of antibiotics to clear the infection every time. I also take vitamin D to boost my immune system. Touch wood, I haven’t had a cold since taking the tonic last May. - I’ve also been vaccinated against Covid, the flu and RSV.
Thank you Gwalltarian, I'm taking antibiotics and Vit C, Vit D and black elderberry extract to try and give my immune system a boost. I think it's just this awful virus that's going round and all I can do is wait it out.