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prednisolone and head aches

Pinkyboo28 profile image
24 Replies

I hate it these steroid tablets give me such severe headaches I can’t handle it although I need them for asthma exacerbation. Is anyone else getting headaches? Also stomach aches

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Pinkyboo28 profile image
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24 Replies
Truckerclark profile image

sometimes they can give me stomach aches but mainly steroids give me insomnia,,, other than that ok ,

Patk1 profile image

I don't get thm frm prednisolone,more frm infection & inflammation

Santoshax profile image

hi - me too - makes me feel absolutely awful - hate it. Insomnia / headaches/jumpy

may I ask what dosage ?

All the very best .

Pinkyboo28 profile image
Pinkyboo28 in reply to Santoshax

Hi I’m currently on the 5 day course of 5mg and it is horrible can’t sleep indigestion stomach cramps severe headache I wish I didn’t keep having asthma exacerbations because I hate these steroids. Are you on them regularly?

Patk1 profile image
Patk1 in reply to Pinkyboo28

Try taking as early as possible,with food

TwoPuffsAl profile image

Sorry to hear that Pinkyboo, but they are pretty essential when you get a bad spell. I’ve not had headaches or stomach problems but do have problems sleeping when I’m on them. I hope things improve over time.

Pinkyboo28 profile image
Pinkyboo28 in reply to TwoPuffsAl

Thanks I’ve been up most of the night I guess it’s also down to the tablets which I did try to take early as possible I hope this passes real soon

Symes profile image

Never had headaches or stomach issues with Prednisolone, but they did cause me to get diabetes. Like you I need them for all the chest infections I get. But there are a lot of side effects.

Steroids. Fix one problem, cause another.

Pinkyboo28 profile image
Pinkyboo28 in reply to Symes

Wow I’m so shocked with this because o recently got told I am pre diabetic and although I struggle with weight I was surprised than I’m on borderline now that u say that I’m wondering if it is the side effects of the steroids I have had to be on them 3 times in the last 3 months and this is when I did my bloods for diabetes, thanks for that. These tablets definitely do fix problem but create ten others

Kekememe1 profile image
Kekememe1 in reply to Symes

Same here. I became an uncontrolled diabetic because I can't get off them. For me, they are life giving. I just hate the massive weight gain.

teddyd profile image

Headache and lack of sleep can be an issue for me, but the benefits out weigh the side affects.

Poobah profile image

If you can, check your blood pressure while you're on a course of Prednisolone. It may be that the headaches are caused by raised BP and if that's the case, you need to tell your doctor.

crille profile image

It might help if you take the prednisolone with food, which is quite all right according to the slip enclosed with the tablets.

Thomas45 profile image

During the last 45 years I've had many courses of prednisolone which has never caused a headache. It's not clear what your dose is. My last was 40mg a day for 7 days. That was in November 2023.I have permanent, though asymptomatic, Atrial fibrillation as well, and my body reacted to a new anticoagulant by giving me an auto-immune condition called Polymyalgia Rheumatica. The only treatment for that is a very slowly reduction of prednisolone, from 30mg a day to no mg a day. It took me just under 4 years to achieve that reduction. The one side effect I had was osteopoenia, which is increased porosity of my bones. Not as bad as osteoporosis, but still taking vitamins C and D3 tablets for the rest of my life .

I have had bad reactions to other prescribed drugs, which I can avoid as there are alternatives which don't give bad reactions. Unfortunately for you there is no alternative for prednisolone.

Pinkyboo28 profile image
Pinkyboo28 in reply to Thomas45

Sorry to hear the struggles with your health I’ve been on it for asthma exacerbation which is either the 5 day course or 7 days and it’s 8 tablets each morning 5mg. I suppose in order to avoid steroids is to get my asthma back under control thanks

DannyQ profile image

I want to ask how much water your drinking as that will help with the head aches, well I say that as I helps with me I probably drink a minimum of 3 litres of water a day and try and reduce your coffee or tea intake as well.I hope this helps

Pinkyboo28 profile image
Pinkyboo28 in reply to DannyQ

I think I need to up my water intake it’s nowhere near enough tbh I need to work on this thanks Danny

Kekememe1 profile image

Sorry to hear that. It's actually the opposite for me. Without Prednisone, I get headaches!! Reason is my allergies and asthma go crazy and my throat starts closing up. So while I'm sleeping, I can't get enough oxygen and get these massive headaches that wake me up! 🙏.Everytime I try to taper down to 10mg, it happens. I take 20mg everyday as a maintenance dose and up to 40mg when I'm going through a flare up. Hope you find something that works better for you.

Pinkyboo28 profile image
Pinkyboo28 in reply to Kekememe1

Thanks it’s so awful I’m glad it works well for u

Jamesd1234 profile image

I think I have had headaches with it and mostly felt overly energized. It can be exhausting but found I had adjusted a little after a few days. It might help to drink plenty of water and maybe take a paracetamol for the headache if it gets bad

Pinkyboo28 profile image
Pinkyboo28 in reply to Jamesd1234

Just wish the headaches weren’t so severe trying water and paracetamol nothing helps it just hope asthma gets better so I don’t have to take steroid tablets anymore

Jamesd1234 profile image
Jamesd1234 in reply to Pinkyboo28

sorry to hear that. I've heard someone else on here mention another alternative to pred, maybe a type of antibiotic?. im not an expert but may be worth asking about

Homely2 profile image

You need to get off prednisone by finding a medic who will sort you out with a drug regime that avoids it. So get referred on.

If your GP will not and asthma UK cannot help, see a local NHS asthma consultant privately and ask for their advice.

EJS87 profile image

I'm on prednisolone for my asthma as it is really severe eosinophilic treatment resistant asthma. Been rushed to hospital 8 times and on 2 occasions they were very close calls to being admitted to ICU.

The normal prednisolone was okay when I first started it but then it was causing me a lot of stomach issues and needing to go to toilet, sorry if that's TMI. I wasn't getting the full benefit of the prednisolone and was having asthma attacks daily and ending up in hospital a lot. I'm not sure that if I was getting the benefits I would have stayed out of hospital but it would have helped. My GP changed the prednisolone to enteric coated ones and it has made a big difference with regards to my stomach. Had a few emergency asthma attacks since but not having the daily attacks, still getting asthma symptoms though.

I don't get headaches but they have made my insomnia worse. Caused weight gain and my diabetes to return after getting it to remission last year. Also caused high blood pressure, but I know if I don't take them my asthma would be a million times worse. I'm waiting to be referred for biologics. Hopefully they will help and I can eventually come off the steroids.

Maybe ask your doctors to change the steroids to enteric coated ones and they might help with the stomach aches at least.

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