I took a tumble off my Mtb and bruised my ribs….it hurts a lot. I’m struggling to use my inhaler, breathing deeply is tricky. Any helpful ideas gratefully recueved.
I took a tumble off my Mtb and bruised my ribs….it hurts a lot. I’m struggling to use my inhaler, breathing deeply is tricky. Any helpful ideas gratefully recueved.
A couple of ideas.
1. When my asthma is bad for a while, I cannot easily breathe in using my MDI inhalers. When this happens instead of using my normal spacer I use a large volumatic spacer, I find this works better when you cannot breathe in, you can use it to take small sips rather than large breaths. You can also get spacers with face masks attached, which may help. Obviously does not help if you use Dpi.
2. A respiratory physio really helped me with my breathing, especially when my lungs were not working. Can you get an appointment with a respiratory physio, to see if they have any ideas. I think the asthma UK helpline on 0300 2225800, has access to a respiratory physio, though it is obviously better to see one in person.
Sounds v painful.arnica gel/cream is excellent in breaking bruising up.i use arnica gel by SBC sold by qvc shopping channel.ru taking painkillers to help with pain xxx
yes although I’m limited on my choice. Arnica does sound a good idea.
Last year I broke a rib and couldn’t take a deep breath either for some time During that time my asthma became unhappy as well. A Physiotherapist recommended I put a towel around my chest to support me when I needed to cough. I also did this to help me take deeper breaths. It might be worth trying out?
Hope you recover soon, take care
When I fractured ribs recently I met a physiotherapist who advised the importance of breathing properly whilst having chest pain to avoid infection. She advised placing a rolled up towel underarm of the affected side & holding it there with the arm. It worked like magic....... I guess it's immobilising both arm & ribs whilst letting you breathe.
PS I used Voltorol as pain killer, it's still an NSAID but at least it doesn't go through the stomach