Does Fostair make one anxious, tired and can't bothered to do anything.
Fostair: Does Fostair make one anxious... - Asthma Community ...

I’ve taken fostair (both strengths at various points) and have never found this to be the case. I occasionally find it gives me slight palpitations if I take it right as I go to bed but nothing else untoward. That said, everyone reacts differently, so it’s entirely possible. What were you taking before and did that have a different effect?
Hi, I had fostair prescribed about 2 years ago and for the first 6 months felt exactly like that. Interestingly the doctors could not work out whether it was Fostair or Long Covid or something more serious. I was bad, very bad with tiredness and sore joints. Interestingly, I am still on Fostair and symptoms went but at the time i did feel it could have been the inhaler. I would persevere for now and see if they subside.
I felt quite sad on it and I had hand trembling. My calf muscles had funny sensations - tingling, tired, crawling feeling, and my intercostal muscles felt pressure too. I stopped taking it.
Not me, maybe something else going on?
No just palpitations when I first started taking it years ago and when I change to a different brand I get palpitations again not for long though that's all .
I know the side effects you describe are linked to Montelukast rather than Fostair, but side effects can be quite individualistic.
Hi, yes. I was recently put on this instead of Flutiform as I realised this was causing me depression. However, unfortunately the Fostair made me feel how you are plus feeling really agitated and angry. I didn't like how I felt on it at all and now just using Flutiform again, even though they both have similar ingredients, but as an emergency only, as unfortunately I am steroid dependant that keeps most of the time things at bay, but when I have an asthma attack the Flutiform helps. I can't take the usual blue rescue inhaler incase people think it's weird I'm using Flutiform as a rescue but the hospital have told me I can especially as it works for me x
No,I've no side effects from it perhaps have a word with Yr pharmacist x
Have you had blood tests done recently, whilst feeling like this? It could be all sorts of things, such as vitamin or iron deficiencies, but I'd want to rule out low cortisol. Describe your symptoms to your GP and/or respiratory consultant, and ask if it would be advisable
I'd be wondering if I was coming down with something else. Covid test? Speak to GP?
Hi Lel1
I have been taking Fostair for about 5 years and never found a problem at all. I have been on preventors for years, and 'for me' Fostair has been the best.
I am not a Dr and can't give advice - I really can't think why Fostair would make you tired, well worth telling you GP or Nurse or Pharmacy, though, as side effects bother people in different ways.
It's been a long rainy winter/spring so one thing that springs to mind. could it be a lack of VIT D - That make me lethargic.
Yes, lots of problems - most of the many listed on the leaflet. Awful shakiness and trembling, palpitations, muscle cramps and so on. Persevered for months. Yes, I felt down and unmotivated too but I attributed that to the situation rather than a side effect. Now you have made me wonder. I think for some people, it's a bad choice and probably worth a swap. Hope you feel better soon