My consultant will not send me to pulmonary rehab course as he says I am not breathless enough but has been promising me, without effect, for a year that I could see a respiratory physio for advice. Each time I see him he ups my steroids, but advice on living with uncontrolled asthma is lacking.
I eventually got fed up and went to a private respiratory physio and did the asthma UK breathe easy programme.
It has been fascinating. The breathe easy programme is very informative and showed me that exercises involving arms above the head or marching made me breathless very quickly. The physio is not prepared to do exercises with me until I learn to breathe better, pace myself etc.
The breathing I have learnt well when lying down, I need to master it more when walking. The physio next wants me to learn to pace myself, from the point of view of spreading my activities out more and secondly learning how to go for a walk and get slightly breathless then adjust my pace to get my breathing back under control. I get the concepts which are simple but am failing to do either effectively, as my life is quite busy.
Have other people experimented with this.