I have adult onset asthma at age 60. ( I’m now 64) 6 weeks ago I cut out one of my 2 steroid inhalers to see if I could manage without it as if I can’t I’ve been recommended a biologic. I had not been walking about or doing any exercise for 10 weeks as I had a foot op so as my main symptom is breathlessness on exercise I didn’t notice much effect. However after 6 weeks my dry cough returned and as well I’m back on my feet and the breathlessness is back. So back on 2 puffs not 4. But the thing that’s puzzling me is that I am yawning all the time, to start it was just on a walk but now it’s at rest too. Do other people get this and could it be a sign of poorly controlled asthma ?
yawning: I have adult onset asthma at... - Asthma Community ...

Please do not stop any medication you have been given. Especially a steroid inhaler. I would certainly go back to your doctor. Good luck.
Thank you. I’ve done that.
Very best of luck. Hope you get all the answers and treatments you need to feel as well as you can x
Hi Dicof....Firstly never stop an inhaler, especially a steroid one. I did this once with Allopurinol...to see if I still had gout..I did!! But stopping an inhaler can be dangerous. Yawning can be a sign of Sleep Apnea, plus other issues....so please go to your doc and get this checked out. Hopefully, like me the Biologic will give you a new lease of life, and the coughing will go. It's been a game changer for me. Let us know how you get on.
Thank you so much. Yes I know it was rash stopping my second steroid inhaler but I am not someone that is likely to go suddenly an acute attack. So less risky for me than others. And actually I saw my respiratory team today - yes I have pushed myself out of control - but they weren’t cross(!) and I am starting a biologic as I meet all the criteria and this will get me off the very high doses of inhaled steroids (I’m effectively on oral steroids) so thanks for your encouragement re the biologic. I feel much happier.
I still take Symbicort, Spiriva and Montelukast...with Fenofexadine allergy tablet. I am not allowed to stop them as the medical board will take the Biologic from me. The Biologic gets the white cell count down to nothing ....but the asthma meds are important to keep my airways open...I couldn't do without them. The good thing is with the Biologic I now don't take oral steroids, because I've no lung inflammation now. Good luck on the Biologics.
Thank you. I don’t mind continuing my Fostair200 and Spiriva and ( can’t tolerate montelukast ) just not ciclesonide 160 4 puffs a day as well. That’s the only drug that bothers me. So 🤞no bad side effects on the new treatment. Btw did you get a shingles vaccination before starting biologic as I know you can’t have it after?
Obviously self medicating with or without steroid inhalers is very unwise. However, yawning is a sign that your breathing is not under control. It is different from yawning because you are tired and ready for sleep. You really need to speak to the asthma nurse or your consultant.

Sounds like your lungs are not under control. I find asthma scary, so I would stick to what you are prescribed. If you want to experiment with your meds chat it through with your medic.
My asthma nurse has always been willing to discuss any ideas I have.
Hi had similar experience more meds then I knew what to do with. I have asthma but also an underlying heart problem no one picked up on for 6 months, cough, exhausted. Please don't panic or worry but go to doc re a change in meds and at same time get them to do blood test for cholesterol. It turned out I had underlying angina. All fixed now and more active then I have been for years. We are just that age xx
Thanks very much. I had heart tests just before diagnosis of asthma as they thought the chest pain and breathlessness was heart not asthma- partly because I’ve never wheezed. So I know my hearts fine. But thank you for telling me
And I’ve seen the asthma team now. Thanks for all your help x
Did they have an explanation for yawning
Just adding to the chorus Yawning is always a sign of my asthma getting worse. Good luck keep us posted on how you're doing.
Thanks for your helpful reply. I realise that the yawning if a definite sign of deterioration now. That’s why this group is SO useful. I’ve started on a course of oral steroids and am going to start a biologic next month as I’m not coping without ultra high inhaled steroid and am effectively on oral steroids which is probably causing my cataract and raised blood sugar. Everything is interrelated isn’t it! 🤞