I am about to talk to my consultant on trying an additional mAb (in addition to Xolair), and came across this 2023 meta-study on eosinophilic asthma. Too bad they did not compare these 4 against Xolair, but I figured I would share the graphical abstract (available online, I have the PDF).
Teze and Dupi beat the rest, on average; Benra is the worst (consistent with my experience). Dupi and Teze are both higher in the inflammatory pathway network, they theoretically should be better than Benra. But I realize that for some Benra was a life-changer.
Xolair keeps me alive, but it's not enough. I also used to take allergy injections with Xolair, and felt great during those times. But allergy injections are not administered the same way in the EU and the UK as they are in the USA (either not available, or done once in a lifetime, then stopped).
I have high eos at all times, but I do not know if this is a symptom, or the cause. Benra was supposed to target eos, but did not help health-wise for summer pollen asthma.