Just back from Lidl, and as I was leaving I noticed nebulisers on sale at the checkout. It was a short queue, so not long to read it, but I did see that the box recommended the nebuliser for use with lung conditions including asthma, and also said it included a mask, making it ideal for use with children 😱. Felt very uneasy about it - enough to raise the subject with a member of staff, pointing out that home nebulisers aren’t recommended for asthma because it can be dangerous if it stops people getting help when they need it - am I overreacting?
nervous about nebulisers on sale - Asthma Community ...
nervous about nebulisers on sale

I agree with you. Where I live the medics are generally anti home nebulisers. Their line is that if I am at the stage of needing a nebuliser, they need to see me.
This might be an irritating line given the difficulty of getting a GP appointment, but asthma scares me, and if that is what I am told, I will follow it.
No you are 100% correct. However most people that purchase one will find their gp refuses to prescribe medication for it, so it will actually be a waste of money! Therefore I wouldn’t worry about it.
I actually do have a nebuliser with gp consent and over the years have been given clear guidelines about useage. I wouldn’t buy a cheaper brand than the one I use because have found cheaper one is less effective.

I agree with Bevvy - while no one should just be using them without medical guidance, the machines alone aren't an issue in my opinion as you still need a doctor to prescribe the nebules. And those of us who do have them approved need a machine and in some cases may not be able to afford the top line ones!
I have home nebs with consultant/GP approval. I think I've heard good things about the Lidl one so would consider it as a backup to the hospital's rather superior Philips one as my home one (I also have two portables as I sometimes need it out and about when surprised by a trigger). But it can depend what you're nebulising. I usually ask Evergreen for advice (they told me that mesh portable is fine for salbutamol but not some other things).
Hi All
Yes completely agree with others…
It’s really important to make sure you have the correct neb for the meds that you need as not all machines are suitable for some hypertonic saline/steroid preparations.
That said if you require a home neb as part of your treatment it should be supplied and maintained by the prescribing hospital anyway.. so this shouldn’t be an issue really.
In one way I agree - I bet you can buy nebules on t'internet somewhere so they could be extremely dangerous. But if its just water being used then isn't it just like sticking your head over a bowl of hot water and a towel over your head like we used to do to breathe in some moist warm air?
I expect they were near the check out because they can't sell them in UK simply because the different strengths of saline and the lung medications for them are on prescription only. If I had the energy I'd write to the manager to explain.
I can understand people already using a nebuliser might get one as a spare in case theirs packs up. Lidl are everywhere now & are in countries where medical rules aren't so strict.
I know in France my d. In law buys saline nebules, they chuck them up theirs and baby nostrils when they're snuffling. I still have boxes given to me in France to bathe a dog bite wound, I never think to use them for my dodgy sinuses but carry one around for dripping on skin rips.
Edit: cripes, out of curiosity I just checked out uk availability of sterile saline nebules advertised for respiratory use, they're freely available in strengths of 0.7%, 3%, 5% & 7%. Nebulisers available too.
Wow I don’t think you’re overreacting at all. Children should always attend hospital if they need the help of a nebuliser . So should adults to be honest. I’ve had a nebuliser at home for 20 plus years. But only use while waiting for medical help . It is quite scary that it can be sold like this with no one to advise the proper use. You can even buy saline and salbutamol nebs on line to use with nebuliser. It’s open to be misused unfortunately. I know someone that works in Lidl head office and I’m going to send them a message just to alert to the obvious dangers. It won’t make any difference I’m sure but it’s worth a try. Have a wonderful New Year .
I don't think your over reacting however the machine is useless without the right medication
And there are a number of them being sold as "cold and flu relief" for use with saline (which can be bought without a prescription) for helping to thin and clear mucus
As far as I'm aware you can't get the nebs without prescription, so the nebuliser would be no use.
Thanks to all who commented - sorry I haven’t replied before, I’ve not been well - not asthma, this time it’s my diabetes playing up, and life’s been like wading through treacle.
I don’t feel so daft about worrying now, but I doubt Lidl will do anything. I just hope they’re bought by people who don’t actually need them, so won’t be putting themselves in danger!