I am 71 years old with mild asthma diagnosed approx. 10 years ago. This is currently controlled with Fostair which I have been using for approx. 2 years. My only problem with Fostair is the way it affects my voice, making me very croaky at times. However I am just recovering from another chest infection - 5th one of this year. Never used to get them but for the last 2 years have been getting more and more of them. Is it possible there is a link between Fostair and the chest infections.???
Fostair/chest infections: I am 71 years... - Asthma Community ...
Fostair/chest infections

Have been using fostair about4 years no problems. When I have finished using it I take a small mouth if water, draw it through my teeth spit it out next mouthful I gargle final mouthful a normal rinse hope this helps
Thanks for this. Have tried all this "tricks" but nothing seems to work. However could live with this but it the frequent chest infections that are getting me down. Our local gp practise does not have any nurses specialising in asthma so seem to see someone different every time I go. Have at last been referred to a respirity clinic so fingers crossed.
I’ve been using fostair for 5 years I always gargle with salt water after using it and no problems. I’ve had one chest infection in 5 years.
Ive had my fostair for about 3 years never had a chest infection perhaps your infection is lingering on you need stronger antibiotics or to see a specialist.
Hello I have taken Fostair for many years and always use a aero chamber device to take the medicine and have not had any problems