I'm currently tapering off 5mg Prednisolone, initiated a few years ago when I had Covid which was triggering my severe asthma. I don't need it anymore for that reason except I was diagnosed with adrenal insufficiency a few years ago.
Recently seen an endocrinologist and had a short synacthen test which did show some response (went from 25 before to 160 mol/l after) who has devised a taper plan, reducing by 1mg a month. I think this is bit fast as I've taken the daily Pred for 3 years so I've decided to go slower and reduce by 0.5mg a month (I have the 1mg tablet so it's easy to cut in half).
I recently split my dose to 3mg in the mornings and 2mg at 3pm to try and mimic my natural cortisol level (this is all from an NHS leaflet I found online my endo didn't even mention this, taking all 5mg in the morning was making me feel poorly...) so it's the afternoon dose I've reduced. I can't take hydrocortisone tablets as they've given me palpitations in the past so I'm just reducing the Pred with HC cover.
The endo doesn't seem to think I need my cortisol tested during the taper even though I'm conscious it can be dangerous if I taper off before my adrenal glands start working (I know with some people they don't start working at all).
Anyone else tapered off in this way, I'm keen to hear people's experiences as not getting much support from the endo at the moment.