hello I'm sure my peak flow is bad it never goes further than 250 suggestions welcome
peak flow: hello I'm sure my peak flow... - Asthma Community ...
peak flow
mine is the same but if it’s normal for you and you are breathing okay and you doctor or nurse isn’t worried then I would imagine you shouldn’t worry.
Peak flow really needs to be understood in context. Like your age, whether you're a man or woman, how tall you are, what the best reading you've had in the last 6-12 months is. And what else is going on, like Itswonderful has said.
If someone is having significant symptoms but peak flow isn't too bad then the symptoms shouldn't be ignored. And if you're fine, have no symptoms, able to do everything as normal but peak flow seems low, then perhaps either your peak flow technique needs looking at or your normal is just low. Peak flow is just one thing, and it can be very helpful for some people with asthma and less helpful for others.
This post about peak flow explains things in more detail: healthunlocked.com/asthmauk...
This video shows you how to do a reading, just in case you've not been shown how or not had a refresher recently: youtu.be/baLYBXcgImk