can anyone recommend something to clear mucus not montelukast as it interferes with my liver as.i don't have a gallbladder
what is people taking for asthma and ... - Asthma Community ...
what is people taking for asthma and mucus I have sleep apnoea but can not use CPAP machine when I have a cold
Hi Myasthma ask your doctor about carbocistine i was put on that by the hospital as i produce exsecive mucus and its been a god send for me take care.xx
has it not affected your liver you see I have had my gallbladder out and I ended up having raised enzymes led to fatty liver thankyou for your advice I will enquire x
recently I started with tonsillitis well I saw the pus in my tonsils and it's ended up been a bad cold causing symptoms of heavy phlemn on sinuses and chest so hard to clear will it help with that please x
if it's nasal mucus a saline nasal douche can work for you or you can purchase Sterimar nasal spray made with sterile water & sterile Seasalt.
If it's lung mucus many many members use prescribed Carbocysteine to soften it making it easier to expel. You'd have to check with a doctor or pharmacist whether either could work for a person lacking a gall bladder
Just a quick message .
I have Asthma and also damaged Bronchial tubes, Bronchiectasis meaning I cant get phlegm up. My Dr put me on Spiriva its a dry powder inhaler that dries up the mucus.
It helped me greatly. Maybe ask your Dr about it hope this helps.