Well, I finally had my occupational health appointment (by phone) - the one my gp said needed to be done before I returned to work - I had had to return from the start of term anyway as my school argued and tried to persuade me not to request it, then delayed as long as possible in the hope I would give up.
I haven’t seen the report yet but the doctor who spoke to me was very sympathetic and thorough- it took about an hour. She said that she would tell school that I shouldn’t attend meetings in person, should only do lunch duties with my own class - she was very insistent that I must reduce the number of people I come into contact with as much as possible. I’ve been wearing a visor (much to the annoyance of the school) and she said that I should also wear a face mask whenever I wasn’t actually speaking to the children and preferably all the time. She also said that I shouldn’t have to do outside duties if it is cold and/or windy (major asthma triggers for me).
I’m rather dreading school’s reaction but I feel vindicated- the school leaders have been trivialising my concerns and being very dismissive - I’m reassured that I’m not being neurotic or feeble! So good news - even though I know I’m going to have fight to get theses adjustments implemented.