I had the first jab (AstraZeneca) three days ago and have had quite strong side effects, especially tiredness. I slept for most of today, irresistibly, 3 days after the jab. Also nausea and a headache for a day. What has anyone else felt? I have eosinophilic asthma BTW and am on the vulnerable list.
AstraZeneca side effects: I had the... - Asthma Community ...
AstraZeneca side effects

My husband slept away the day after the jab and felt slightly nauseous. I had a background headache the day after the jab and as the day went on became quite tired and went early to bed.

Had mine 2 days ago. So far; headache (migraine level) on the day given, first night I had a dodgy stomach, and yesterday arm was sore, I was very tired and my asthma was slightly irritated (controlled easily with Ventolin).
I have heard some people have practically no side effects and others have quite bad ones. Hope they calm down for you soon!
I haven’t had mine yet but it made my Nan quite poorly, she was nauseous, horrendous headaches, aching all over and my friend who’s normally fit and well experienced the same and was in bed for 2 days. At the same time I’ve heard of others who have had no side effects.
Hi have the same as you my stomach aches feel really rough. Also have eosinophilic, had my jab yesterday, would rather have side effects than covid.
It’s a lottery then. I think I might look at the Pfizer.....
We had no choice. I got AstraZeneca and my husband Pfizer a few days later. He was told it was just a matter of what was available on the day.
I phoned my surgery and they’re arranging the Pfizer. I think if you say you’re allergic to the contents of the vaccine they have to make special arrangements.
Hi everyone, and thanks for replying. It seems like a lot of people get the headache and nausea. I was troubled by sleeping for so long, most of yesterday, and I'm hoping it won't go on much longer. But I agree wholeheartedly that it's better than getting the Covid!
I had the AstraZeneca and have non-eosinophilic asthma. I had the feeling like I was coming down with a virus and I was very tired. A couple of paracetamol and lots of sleep and felt hugely better a couple of days after the vaccination. No headache or nausea. Sore arm for several days.
Probably a good sign that you’re immune system is responding well to the vaccine, which should put you in a good position if you were ever exposed to COVID. I have a very poor immune system and, consequently, get very mild, slow and protracted responses to vaccines but, hopefully, I do eventually get the necessary protection!
I had the vaccine 2 days ago and have been really ill since. I had nausea and headache from about 15-30 mins after the injection which might have been the stress of leaving the house but felt like the start of a migraine. About 5 in the morning the next day I woke shivering and aching, like flu. I was breathless and coughing, like and asthma attack but was controlled by inhalers. I’ve had fever, aching and dizziness, breathlessness and a very sore arm. My fever seems to have peaked last night when it was really high, now I feel achy/dizzy and breathless. My arm still hurts even to move it. I am still pleased I gotthe vaccine though, I figure this shows I have had a strong immune response. I wondered if it was related to the corticosteroid? Hopefully I will be better soon and then it’s just a waiting game. Advice is to continue shielding even after both doses, anyone know if that’s likely to change soon?
Hi, I hope your feeling better with the side effects. I had mine on Saturday afternoon and felt extremely tired and groggy early evening with a headache. Took some paracetamol before sleeping and was ok in the morning. It felt like I was fighting of a little viral throughout the day on Sunday..still tired and a little tight chest..ventolin to the rescue!
Woke up feeling much better today..managed to walk a good distance and my lungs feel ok, the tiredness seems to have subsided quickly..but my arm is still sore😕
Had mine almost 9 days ago. Had headache and tiredness for about a day and a sore arm for about 3 days. Just took paracetamol and slept.
Did you know which jab are you going to get prior to your appointment ?I've got an appointment soon, not sure for which vaccine .is Astrazeneca usually given at GP surgeries and Pfizer - in vaccination centres ?
Not necessarily. Mine was Pfizer and was our local GP hub. Others I know have had Astrazeneca at bigger centres. And the other way round for both. I knew which mine would be because my surgery rings us to book and the lady said, but a friend who had it yesterday (different area) had no idea til she was having it.
I had no nausea as far as I recall, but quite a bad case of achey bones and general discomfort over night. It kept me awake. The day after I was just sluggish and feeling under the weather. I also had the sore arm. But I have also learned that others haven’t had any such effects at all. In some ways I was quite ‘glad’ as it showed my body reacted and tried to fight it, I assume. I consider that a good outcome!
I had the AZ jab and had mild headache in the evening and next morning felt a bit rough , aches and painsMy wife had the same but really bad headache shivers aches and pains
Mine lasted the next morning and my wife a couple of days
Worth a little discomfort if it helps against the virus 👍🏻
Good luck