I've had poor asthma control for 3 months now and am still struggling to get doctors to listen to me. I also made a complaint through PALs following my A&E visit and have just received the response. Unfortunately, I usually present as having normal oxygen sats and no wheeze, so can find it difficult to get treatment.
The sign of a severe attack that I usually do have is not being able to speak in full sentences, but in the response to my complaint, it says that the doctor recorded that I was able to do this when I attended A&E. I didn't feel that I was and my mum (who took me) said it was obvious to her that I couldn't.
So my question is - what does 'able to speak in full sentences' actually mean?
Is being able to get out a sentence by taking a deep breath, speaking very quickly, then gasping for breath 'able to speak in full sentences'? Or does it mean that you can speak pretty normally without having to struggle for breath? Or that you physically couldn't get out 5 words in one breath however hard you tried?