Hello! As the title says i just wondering if this can be possible, because i heared alot of doctors said that asthma ever get worse during the night when you sleep. This is never my case as i feel better when sleeping or on early morning. Also can asthma produce alot of white mucus in lungs but with a dry cough like mine?
Is it possibile that my Asthma get be... - Asthma Community ...
Is it possibile that my Asthma get better at night or when i sleep?
Asthma is typically worse at night or early morning - but it doesn't mean it's the case for everyone. By "worse" I take that to mean "more symptoms" rather than it getting better or worse, if that makes sense. So at night people may wake more because of symptoms or, if they sleep through symptoms, they can feel worse when they do wake up. This probably wouldn't happen all the time for most people with asthma, more when they're experiencing a flare up.
With coughs it's also not a straightforward answer - I don't think anything with asthma is though often doctors still don't acknowledge this. A typical asthma cough would be a dry cough but equally asthma itself can create more mucous production which might then become a wet cough... And just to be more confusing, both types of cough can be caused by all sorts of other things too.
There are various conditions which have very similar symptoms to asthma (soe identical, some have a few key subtle differences) but they don't respond to asthma medications like asthma does. So a key consideration if you're concerned would be do your asthma medications help - do they improve your symptoms and your peak flow?
I feel better with Relvar Ellipta. On 28 of this month i will have the CT results. Doctors keep telling me this is asthma but i'm a bit skeptical.
If the Relvar helps that's a good sign and a good indication that it might well be asthma. It is difficult when there seems to be a set of symptoms etc for asthma and you don't feel you quite fit - there are lots of us on here who are like that, if that helps at all!
Thank you for the very useful info. I will keep this in mind. My problems are only in the right upper part of the lung where i feel costantly back pain. This is another atypical symptom form asthma i guess but who know.. Waiting the CT scan results with anxiety
I don’t tend to wake at night but I’m usually at my worst in the morning.
This happens with my asthma. Gets better at night and is better in the morning. It gets worse as the day goes on. But my inhalers help.
Hi! I'm the same as you. Anything productive has to be done in the a.m. time. By 4 p.m. I'm in a chair using in halers to breathe. Hmmm everyone seems to be different. But that's the nature of this icky disease. Best of luck!!!!
Yea... 4 p.m. is also the worst time of the day for me. My main symptom is the mucus build up in the lungs, especially in the right lung. Do you have this too?
Hi again! No I seem to have the “non wheeze” type. Just get very short of breath and am sure I am overusing inhalers. Have they got you on antibiotics? Or decongestants? Usually can’t wait for bedtime so I can take Wixella (Advair) which helps to keep lungs open. Feel better!!!
Hello, no for the moment i only use relvar ellipta. I'm also waiting for the results of a CT scan. I think i have copd too.
Most asthmatics (who have had asthma for a long time) have a level of COPD. I’m stage 2 of it. When I’ve been in the ER, they seem to treat both. Usually raising the level of steroids and Xanax. Take care of you!
Oh, that's interesting to know. Thank you for the info. Do inhaled steroids help you? Or you find more relief from bronchodilators? Or both. I started the therapy (steorids+ bronchodilators) just few days ago. No very big results so far maybe i should wait more time. I'm also on benzos (tavor 2.5mg) it help with my problem but i don't know why
Steroid inhalers can take several weeks to kick in properly - but if found to have COPD there are other inhalers that they often use for that (usually in addition to your Relvar I think) so I'm sure there will be options to help.
Thank you. Great info, great community. Stay strong and take care! I'm only in my late's 20 but i'm trying to be positive.
I'm the same. Usually fine at night and in the mornings, gets worse through the day, evenings are the worst time. Inhalers help. I have not had a formal diagnosis but have been on steroid inhalers for 9 months, Fostair for 5 months.
Yes. Inhalers help but there is always a bit of mucus build up in the lungs. Maybe is too soon. I started the therapy just few days ago. Maybe i should wait more
I'm worse at night and first thing in the morning. I also produce a clear mucus which in part is caused by reflux, which in turn is worsened by my inhalers. I am taking Omeprazole to try to help with this, but some nights for me are just awful.