Have just had follow up appointment with asthma nurse following a and e visit yesterday. I now have another ten day course of pred. Doubled the strength of the combined inhaler. Also added in montelukast. She’s calling back Friday to check how things are going. This is the worst my asthma has ever been been. advised to sit as much as possible and do nothing that involves moving until this starts to settle. My usual peak flow is 550 if symptom free. It’s now at 380. Gets a bit scarey When a flair up is not responding. Just wanted to tell someone who gets what I’m going on about. Feeling a bit tearful and sorry for myself.
Not doing so well: Have just had... - Asthma Community ...
Not doing so well

Sorry you're having a tough time. It does sound like you have an on-the-ball nurse though - hopefully the changes will help and things will be settling soon.
So sorry to read that you are feeling unwell and, hopefully the meds will help you very quickly.
Having had a couple of months of Prednisone recently, my hospital consultant upped my Fostaire 200/6 to be used as MART (maintenance and reliever therapy two puffs of Fostair 200/6 am and pm. - and up to another four single puffs throughout the day.
She also has me taking two puffs os Ventolin immediately before the am and pm Fostair plus, two pulls of Spiriva immediately after the morning Fostair and, Montelukast at bedtime.
Her theory with using Fostair as MART, is that the steroids are being directly into the lungs at a steady, regular basis, rather than every organ in the body. It does seem to be helping....
Hi I can sympathise with you it's so horrible being like this. I have also been struggling with my asthma for a month. On my second course of pred as the first of did not settle my asthma. Had little sleep and got very emotional and upset. Not been in bed just propped up in chair getting a couple hours a night. Hang in there and hope we both feel better soon. It's extremely scary my anxiety been through the roof. Pred seems to make anxiety worse but we need it to breath easier. Let me know how you get on, I am thinking of you. I feel a little better today hope it lasts. I always find at least 5 days of pred before I see improvement and often need second course xxxx
Bless you it’s frightening when things get out of control. I switched to a combined inhaler and montelukast many years ago, it was a game changer at the time. I hope it is for you too xx
Bless you.
Many of us know exactly where you are coming from.Can be quite normal to be emotional on increased doses of prednisolone.
Am so pleased you seem to have an on the ball asthma nurse -dont hesitate to seek medical advice if you feel more unwell.
Good luck hope you feel better soon.
I feel for you. Mine has been bad for the past few weeks. I find a nice hot bath helps slightly or holding my head over a bowl of hot water. I think the moisture helps soothe my lungs slightly. It can also take a long time for your airways to settle down from an attack but I hope you start seeing an improvement quickly x
Hang in there dizzy. Great tips have already been left but I just wanted to add the following; keep taking the blue regularly when you need it to help keep things open as you recover & while the other increased meds kick in. X
Thank you everyone for your kind words. My peak flow is now low 400 s so hopefully things are going to start improving. Take care all. Asthma is such a scary frightening thing.
A quick update. Spoke to my asthma nurse again today. She has now put me on some anti biotics as she thinks I may have an infection and wants to try to keep me out of hospital especially coming into a weekend. Kind of makes sense. She’s calling me again on Tuesday. So I shall keep taking the inhalers and tablets and hopefully will start to really pick up.